The lost soul part 1

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Chapter 34
Amagi's point of view
You open your eyes to see your self in a hospital room, with the worst headache, and you can't remember much, you try to remember but then it feels like your head going to exploded, you scream at the top of your lungs
"amagi your awake, how do you feel, accrual don't answer that I'll get Akashi, or would you prefer vestal, no I'll get Akashi she's one of us" says Akagi as she runs out
"Hahaha you know she has not left your side since you where injured" says the posh voice of the queen
"what happened to me, why can't I remember" you ask
"from what we can guess is that you where in your room when the earthquake struck something happened and caused Athena to push you out your room to safety" as she says this your memories come flooding back, you not able to move then Athena trying to help, then your outside on the grass and hear a scream followed by a crash as your ceiling falls on Athena.
"athena she ok" you ask, you would not forgive yourself if something happened to her
"she's alive" says the queen
"But is she ok?" You ask, the queens trying to hide something
"no? What wrong"
"No she's in a coma, vestal says she might never wake up" your ears instantly flatten against your head, Athena, lovely girl and a lot of potential and she's in the same straight that you where in when she saved you.
"nya amagi how to you feel" says akashi
"Just thinking" you say as akashi reaches for a needle
"what grate strategies are you laying out in your mind" she asks
"none, accurly"
"then what are you thinking about" she asks as she fills up the needle
"Just who she risked everything for me and now because of me she is in the same strait as I was" you say as akashi stabs you with the needle your headache instantly disappears
"nya, that should help with the pain" she meows, she then starts looking you over for cuts or other injury's "shame after all the pain we caused her..."
"You caused her" you snap back
"nya, I caused her, her love still comes through" the greedy cat says "shame we can't do what she did to you" this makes you upset
Collectors point of view
You are standing over Athena's body, it dose not look good, that would be the case if she was a normal ship girl, but she's special because she's earned the favour of...
"what you doing back here" says a woman in a heavy German accent, No German ships are supposed to be here, ahh how could you forget the German power house Lithen
"Just investigating a power surge in the blinding then I walked in this room to find the legend her self laying here" you say then the wall blows up and you see some iron blood ship girls walking and grab athena and then run out to sea...

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