Bringing back a fox

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Chapter 15
You hobble out of your room with help from Nimi and dawn, sunset is not to far behind everyone else is in front of you, laffey is barely awake, but that dose not matter, it is nearly midnight.
The rest enter a highly secured room, as you walk in you get blinded by a white light you raise your hand to block out the light, as you enter and your eyes had readjusted you see amagi lying on a bed, her body is barely describable recognisable, all hair has fallen out, including out off those 9 beautiful tails are just skin and bones, you grab your cube from laffey and put it on amagi's stomach
"You sure you want to do this, Athena" asks a very concerned commander, why dose he care
"Yes now don't make me doubt myself" you say as you bite your lip, you don't know how you know how to do this but you have got to the point where everything is reflex now, you lift up one of amagi s hands and put it on the side of the cube and you reapeate this for her out her hand, you then take your hands and place them on top a but as you do this you vision whiten, but you don't stop.
The near death realm
"I see you are attempting to bring me back but failing by the looks of it because where both here" says a fermilea voice of amagi
"I think what you're trying to say is 'thank you for trying to bring me back, I am very greatful for This' yes" you says in a jokey tone
"well when you put it like that , I am very grateful" she says
"any clue what's next" you ask
"No, I thought you knew what you where doing"
"ha don't put faith in me when it comes to voodoo" you both larght at this comment for a good minute
"well that when I come in" says another female voice "It quite simple" she says as a door appears and opens "only one pair off feet can grouse the fresh hold, so that mean one pair has to stay" she says damit this is a test one has to stay, no, no there is a way, you take amagi s hand
"trust me" you say
"but the voice said"
"I know what the voice said, trust me" you say as you lead her to the door you put one feet across and you nod to amagi to do the same, so she dose
"clever, all the people that I play this game with one always dicide to stay, but you have some brains, mabey your different, all well be gone you two" she says as your vision goes white "oh one thing athena, because this ritual is using your cube, there has been some changes to your body"
"what" you yell but she dose not replie

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