A Special Meeting

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Chapter 14
Athenas point of view

"I wonder what those fireworks are" you say jokingly. By the sound of it. It battle ship fire , and planes.
"I don't know; it might be that some of the girls have got drunk and started to shooting by accident" says enterprise
"ha at least this is not iron blood turf, I can't count how many times I had my room bombed because I did not want to play with my sister's" larghts Nimi
"you mean shelled" says enterprise
"No bombed"
"What hows that posiable, your all destroyers"
"thay would bribe zeppy with cake, and she would do it"
"Graf Zeppelin likes cake"
"well her child counterpart dose and that who they bribe" say Nimi, you feel you heart beat quicken, and that is proven by the machine next to you bleeping very fast. You feel you vision whiten, well it not a memory, maybe it's time for your end.
You wake up under a pink blossom tree, but the hole back drop is white nothing for as far as your eye can see this is one weird heaven. You look up the tree and see someone in it
"um hello" you say in a slightly jumpy voice
"Yes dear, what can I do for you" says the mysterious fox girl
"um hi" you weren't expecting an answer "if this is haven, where's god, or are you god"You say carefully, if this is god then you don't want to annoy her, she chuckles likely
"No I'm not god, and this is not haven, I'm amagi class carrier, amagi, and this a sub realm, you see, I'm on my death bed, faulty wisdom cube, and I've been in this sub realm for 5 years, but as entertainment I can watch what ever I want, I'll show you how you look right now" she says in a sweat motherly voice, she then dose something with her fingers and a little portal of sorts opens up and shows you a birds eye view of your hospital room. you see vestal trying to revive you, enterprise standing at the door trying to hold Nimi back, she is in tears, did this girl really care about you this much.
"Yes, yes she dose care about you that much, she probably wants to trade her place with you"
"but why, if I die she get to see her sister's again"
"because she loves you" wait Nimi loves me, why she's my prisoner "she won't admit it but she wants to not see you in pain but see you happy"
"wow, taking a step back to look at things really shows you what you miss"
"at least you got to spend time with people that cared for you"
"I'm sorry to hear that"
" if it ok with you I would like to check up on my sister's"
"sure go a head" the view changes to one inside a traditional Japanese room with a girl sitting at a coffee table with what look like a red wisdom cube in the centre. Then the door gets kicked down. And loads of people walk in, hang on not any people, but the queen her self. "hang on dose that mean"
"yes both my sister's are from Perl harbour" wow that means I could of meet them if I was not dyeing
"akagi you have five seconds to explain your self before I blow up this room" says the queen
" you think can intimidate me, ha you try one thing and it blows up the cube" akagi says with a smile
"come dear sister where is your houner, this is not dishonrable" says a white hair fox
"dear kaga, you are willing to give away are only chance to get are dear amagi back, just for hounor, the cube is wasted on these royal brats" she then bersts in to laughter
"athena dose not deserve this"
"And what would you k ow about that dishonrable bitch, instead of granting that distroyer a worriers death, she took her as a prisoner and dishourer her by disgracing her body"
"Wait my wisdom cube, could save you" you ask
"yes but the affects it will have will probably be devastating for you" then you see a small bunny eared girl grab the cube and runs to the queen with it
"kaga how could you" akagi screams "You do not have the right to call me you sister no if I wasn't so out matched I would kill you eight her right no, get out NOW" she screams kaga steps outside the door with every one else, the queen shouts some panicked orders and everyone start running to do various things. Kava sits down next to the door
"thank you for everything, kaga" the queen says
"I betrayed my sister, my freind, and I'm the redone one of my sister's are going to die, I can't live like this" then the screen cuts out,
"What happend" you say
"I don't know" then everything starts to go white again.

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