The foxes runiuon

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Chapter 16
You are starting at Athena, she has just screamed out in pain you wanted to go and stop whatever she was doing, but the queen grabbed your arm, now you are staring straight in to her eyes "Don't, she has already gone pass the point of no return" she says with a smile, then she lets you go, you are about to run towards her, but then the commander is staring at you is this a test, best not do anything you're going to regret. You just stand there then there is a blinding light where Athena and amagi where, you cover your eyes by reflex but when you lower your hand you see amagi sat up on the corner of her bed, but where athena was stands a beautiful kitsune, shoulder length wavy pure white hair, the right eye is light blue whereas the left is Orangey yellow and five long soft white tail. Who was she.
"so this is what she meant by changes to my body not bad, I thought I was going to be turned in to a child or something" says the new kitsune
"A kitsune look is a good look for you Athena" says amagi. Wait the kitsune is Athena
"why thank you amagi, may I ask how dose fresh air feel" says Athena
"very good, thanks for asking" amagi says then the door burst open

Athena point of view
"kaga what are you doing in amagi's chamber do you have no respect" says a clearly post off Akagi
"Well dear sister, should I not be the one talking to you about respect" says amagi, akagi instantly turns to look at the source of the voice and looks directly and amagi
"a-amagi, is that you" says a very confused Akagi
"Yes, it is" then Akagi runs and practically pounces as at her sister
"Amagi It, it cant be" say Akagi she is practically crying her tails are beating left to right like there is no tomorrow
"well it is, but I am upset with you, I know you care about me, but the way you Dishonoured your self and the hole empire, I can not easily forgive that" when amagi says that akagis tail stop and go straight down and her ears go flat on her head.
"I'm sorry, amagi, I just wanted you back so bad, but how is this possible without Athena's cube" says a very sad akagi. She then back off from the hug
"we still used Athena cube, in fact she is standing next to you, she was the shining light through the darkness" says amagi as she points to you, as she say that the air gets very havey

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