The Fight With The Iron Blood

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Enterprise takes out a syringe, where did she get that from. "I'll be back don't worry"
"Well, she won't be here enterprise, I have a convoy than need protecting and high command has ordered me to order her to do it, I'm sorry but that's orders" he says in a cold voice "don't hold it against me I have orders just like you do" this makes you angry, you have just found a old friend, while recovering from a battle with a ship that might as well be sunk its that broken. And he expects you to protect a convoy, how arrogant are people in power, it like high command won't give you a break.
"Fuck um, fuck um all" you stand up and walk to your ship 'If these assholes want me to protect this convoy then at least I want my ship to work' you think as you turn a corner expecting to find you wreck of a ship, but it wasn't, it look brand new "that in the bloody hells happened to my ship it look... looks new" you climb aboard and immediately your little overlay appears but it's all green this makes you slightly happy, this, this you can work with. You see a two sides spear appear in front of you. Well, it's not the actual spear it's more of a blue print. You don't know why but you decide it's a good idea to try and grab it so you do, you expected to fail but to your surprise it materialises as you grab it. Today is a weird day, from going to war in a destroyed ship, then meeting an old friend, now being sent on some convoy protections job.
You turn the ship around and start to head towards the convoy you are being sent to protect it contains 5 merchants ships and two destroyers "don't worry Athena, those destroyers are produced, no crew fully expendable" ok so you have to unman ship, well this is goanna be fun.

1 day later
Iron blood carrier Graf Zeppelin
I can't believe that I am made to watch this old trade route, and what makes it worst is I've got Z-23 And Z-46, Nimi (Z-23) is ok she is professional but 46 is driving me crazy why do I have to baby sit a literal child.
"Graf Zeppelin, when can we go home" says Z-46, this is the 5th time she's asked in the past hour, if that, I will sink her if she don't stop
"Yes Nimi"
"Keep this up, and I will put a shell in you" then Nimi shoot me a smile. She must have seen how much 46 was annoying me.
"Yes Nimi, sorry I'll stop I'm just bored"
"Same here little one" I say, then my sonar goes off a big fleet 5...6...7...8... 8 ships and judging by the formation at least 3 defenders. I start to send out my planes this will be fun.


You see planes appear on your radar approaching fast. Well, this wasn't planed, good you were getting bored you get your anti-air to work. The plains are onto of you in seconds, your anti-air guns rip the plains apart you have not lost a single merchant ship but you have lost one of the destroyers. You await the next air raid.

Graf Zeppelin

"Verdammt, she took out all my plains Z-23, 46 go kill'em" they both nod as they speed towards the convoy this should be quick.

"Ah shit, here we go" you say as two ships appear to be charging the fleet. You make a split-second discussion and go to meet them head on. You charge them as they shoot shells at you. But there to slow you just dance between them. That right this aren't a fight, it's a dance. Hahaha this will be fun.


"Scheisse, she doges them, 46 keep shooting" you say as you and 46 release another load. This should hit her


They are constantly shooting at you but you keep going between shots "right enough games" you say as you release 4 HE shells and hit all of them on the destroyer further back setting it on fire.

"You ok 46" she is clearly not her fount half is on fire and has lost one of her two cannons "fall back to Graf I'll cover" you fire to more shots as 46 falls back to Graf Zeppelin


The one you hit has turned and ran, but sadly the other one is still firing but you doge the shells again "past the Last shell" you shout as you ram the other destroyer making it explode as a girl is thrown up in to the air and lands on your desk in nothing but underwear you set the ship to head back to the fleet as you grab you spear and head to the lady on the deck. She is moaning in pain but you felt nothing but what felt like a punch in the stomach. You point one side of your spear to the girl's throat. "Name now" you demand.
"Fuck you" she says then you put one of the cold edges of your spear to one of her burses on her stomach and press hard. She screams you hate this you want to stop straight away pick her up and take her back to her friend and say sorry for hurting her. But you do stop quite quickly.
"Sorry, that hurt me a lot more than I would like so Please, please tell me your name and that it that all I want to know" you say, you see the confusion on her face.
"Z-23" she finally says you let out a sigh as you chuck her a special pare of cuffs the are meant for ship girls "put them on, please" This time she does what you ask, you feel sorry for her as you put her in one of the cells she sits on the floor "this won't do" you whisper to your self as you walk out of the room.

You sit there on the floor for some time. She looks generally sad when she hurt you. Did she not like it that much? Did she accrual care? This puzzles you. Then she comes back with two pillows, couple off blankets and a new dress. Then she opens the door places the pillow, and one of the covers down to make a bed then puts the dress on top. Then finally puts the covers over the bars. "they should make your stay bearable at least if you need anything let me know you might be a prisoner but you are still a living breathing ship girl, like me" the she does something that completely throws you she smiles at you, not a ha I'm better than you but a I care about you smile, if the role were reversed you would have not done any of this, you were nice compared to most of the iron blood girl but you would have not been this nice.
"Wait what's your name" you call out, why did you need to know that, why did it feel like the only thing that matters. She just smiled at you.
"Athena love, it's Athena" did she just call you love, and why did it turn you on.
Chapter 5
You have made it to the port and haven't lost a single merchant ship, and you still have your prize in the brig, no not sexual prize, God no you don't use people like that, more like you have not resorted to killing her. After all, your all weapons of war, if your roles were reversed you would like her to treat you with the same respect, probably not, but it's a nice thought. You go to her cell daily not just to feed her but to also have idle chit-chat, so far you have learnt that she has 45 sister ships that each has their own Nick name, her Nick name is Nimi, she loves all her sister's dearly but the younger ones drive her slightly insane, you spent a couple minutes laughing at this, you also found out that you hurt Z-46 her youngest sister ship. You apologised a lot for that. She also told you that not many are able to survive Graf Zeppelin air raids let alone beat them.
"Athena" Nimi says with a bit of fear in her voice. You know what she's going to ask you just hope you wrong
"Yes Nimi, anything you need" you say trying to put on your best motherly smile.
"what's goanna happen to me" she says already about to cry
"I can't be sure, probably an interrogation, I don't know if they will torcher you. Or they might decide to just shoot you and get it over with". She starts to cry, you can't take this you open the door to the cell walk in sit down next to her. And give her a big hug she just continues to cry in to you shoulder
"I don't want to die I want to see my sisters again" she says this breaks your heart "I just want this war to be over" she continues
"Hay, hay listen to me, I will not let them kill you, I might be new, but I know how to throw my weight around" you say as you stroke her head "follow me" you say as you stand up and head to the bridge. You bring the boat to a full stop.
"HMS Blood blade, is everything ok. I'll send a tug boat to bring you to port" the commander says
"No any boat that comes near me gets a couple of shells in their side" you say in a serious voice, there goanna hear my voice one way or another
"Look if your pissed about me sending you strait out on a mission when you needed rest I'm sorry" he says "name you price and if I can make it work I will agree"
"I only have one price sir" you say
"And what's that Athena"
"I get to keep Z-23" you reply he does not answer straight away
"What you doing you are goanna get yourself killed" Nimi asks
"The right thing, that what" you say
"High command has agreed as long as we get are way with her" the commander
"That a negative on that, I'm not letting you torchers her, you can question her but under my supervision and I get to call quits whenever I want" you say Z-23 just stars at you dad always says 'If your in an argument make them believe that you right'
"This is mutiny, this will not stand" he says, the trick with people like this to not show weakness
"Oh, but it will because I said so, that why I'm not in port, it a quick, easy get away, even a battle ship could escape before you had the chance, and don't you say I will have nowhere to go. I'm sure the iron bloods will take me" you say with a smirk
"Athena please, please come in to port, she's not worth it" you hear enterprise say. You see 2 subs start to head your way on sonar.
"Here I was trying to be diplomatic, and now you are trying to sink me, Commander I'm sorry but this is not how I work".
"Athena stops, all subs full stop, Athena, I hate you".
"I would not have it any out her way commander".
"I agree to your terms and if I break them, you will be aloud two hours to get you and Z-23 out the base" he says with a big sigh
"Very good commander let hope it don't get that far, yes" you giggle as you put the radio down "see that wasn't so hard was it" you say to Nimi , she just stares at you in total shock.

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