A Meeting With The Queen

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Chapter 3
For what feels like an eternity of being towed back to the island you see loads of people running around the port.
"You must be the destroyer that blew everything up, good show matey, and queeny probably want to speak to you. She is very posh-posh" says a girl that's standing on top of a sub. In a pirate dress but before you can say anything she goes in the hatch and disappears below the waves. It seems this is goanna be fun.
You finally make it to port. You lean over the side rail to say thank you to the tug boat crew. But as you do the tug boat disappears and a girl is left where it was. You are pretty sure that not how it is supposed to work but you are too busy with repairs to push it at least not now. You grab the maintenance tool box from the engine room. You start to repair the 2nd turret that is slightly raised you take off the side panels and take a look inside it's a total mess there are snapped chains everywhere, bits of broken gears litter the floor and even you can see a shell casing that has somehow got logged in here. You start by removing the shell casing, you pull the casing out gently but the moment it's free all the gears fall out this is going to be a long day. "You don't need to do any self-maintenance; we have people to do that for us." The blonde lady says. She is closely followed by two girls with what appears to be ship turrets on their back
"You must be the one the girl in the sub called 'queeny'" you say as another gear falls on your toe "feck"
"Watch you mouth around the queen" one of the two escorts say.
"No hood, it perfectly fine I am battleship HMS Queen Elizabeth, this is battleship HMS Hood and HMS King Gorge V" the two escorts bow slightly as there name is called out "What is your name dear" the queen asks you
"Well, that difficult to say, I mean at this moment in time I'm assuming the identity of the caption of this ship Athena, before you ask, I did not kill her, I found this ship abandoned by pure luck, but I have no memory before walking up on the island" you say as you put the complete gears back in place by using a blue print you found in the maintenance room. You pick up the tool boxes and head to the maintenance room to pick up some spare gears "if you want to keep talking, let walk and talk" HMS HOOD shoots you a glare "your majesty" the queen smiles. She follows you through corridors some have holes in the floor that you have to jump over, in some areas you have to crouch under wreckage that is in the hallways
"This is not a ship it's a total wreck" hood says
"Hood, where are your manners, apologies at once"
"It ok's your majesty, she has a point, I'm surprised that it's holding its self together, I will admit that there are certain parts of the ship that are being holed together by tape" you say with a little chuckle. You turn in to the maintenance room and look on the selves. They have all got boxes on them that are labelled with different parts of the ship. You walk up an isle; engine... No, coffee machine... just why? The coffee machine never breaks, there we go, turret spare part you pick up the box. You turn around and head out the room it an awkward silence as you walk back to the turret that you have been partly dismantle and you start to put the new parts in. When everything has been assembled to the blue print specification. You look at the display it turns from red to white then white to green in couple of seconds as you hear the gun self-load "there we go, one more bit fixed on you girl, hay" you whisper under your breath as you rest you hand on the side of the turret.
"Your majesty, is this the destroyer that blew up the bulk of the siren's"
"Yes commander, although it hard to believe she was fighting in this wreck, and it looked like this before it got hit, and she says she controls the ship by herself but she does not know is she is a ship girl". She nods to you, the commander gives you a hard stare, you just smile and nod at him.
"We need to talk" the commander says at you as he walks away, you decide to follow him. How are you going to explain this to the man in charge without being killed for being a spy?

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