The break up and new freind

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Chapter 25

You and the battle ship kaga look to see who shouted no, but you don't have to look far to see that it was Nimi, you look at kaga's face as she lets go of you. "how dare you yell at your elder's" she says as she backhands Nimi across the face this sends Nimi flying, she hits the floor hard, you run over to her side "please, please still breath" you say to your self as you slowly see her chest rise and fall "Thank god" you say with a smile as you pick up her now limp body, you are lucky that you dropped the lead in the confusion, or you might of lost an arm or snapped Nimi neck. You think you hear a squawk but you are to raped up in the moment. As you turn around you see amagi and nagato in full rigging and all cannons pointed at battleship kaga, then a second later both cannons go off in unison. You would have laughed at the Kama, but now's not the time as you run to the hospital.


You are standing on the fount of your ship, on your way to this purl harbour to meat up with athena , then red fly's at you.
"Why are you here red" you say
"squawk" says red
"WHAT WHO DARES TO LAY A HAND ON ATHENA, MY ATHENA" you yell this battleship kaga will pay

Athena point of view

"vestal" you scream as you enter the hospital. She comes out of a room.
"oh my let hurry." She says as you lay Nimi in to a bed. Then your vision start to go black

Graf Zeppelin, all the Z types destroyers, and overseer alpha

"What can I do for are glories allies" says the overseer
"I need a fleet to attack purl harbour, it doesn't have to be enough to destroy it just enough to give me time to extract an asset or two"
"One or two I need to know exactly how many I need to send"
"I don't know, are priority is one of are own, Z-23, but I have orders to bring in the blood blade, if I can" the overseer face turns to one of discuss
"when is the attack commencing" she says
"as soon as we get there" this makes the destroyers smile a little
"Well why wait for you to arrive" she says as she opens a portal to purl harbour and you sail through and then you look left and right, there are so many portals that you could not begin to count, and then a hole Armada appears
"Let the attack begin"

Athena point of view

You are starring at Yorktown laying in a hospital bed then suddenly the door is kicked down, standing there is tester alpha "ahh did I hurt your friend" she taunts, oh are then show memory little bit after your last flash back, Yorktown launching another round of planes, then tester alpha shooting Yorktown's wisdom cube, then jumping through a portal to get away
"I will murder you, you bitch" you say through your teeth
"Ah did I strike a nerve" she laughs as you charge her and rugby tackle her to the ground you then sit on the stomach and start you punch her face in
"Die... you... stu... pid... hore" you say with each punch then you pull your knife out and stab it in between her boobs It breaks the skin you see a yellow wisdom cube so you stab that, it the starts to shin red
"How, what have you done" she says, with none final stab the cube disintegrates, you pass out of exhaustion and rage

You wake up to find Nimi awake next to you "where both hurt now huh" says Nimi
"Yeah, we are" you say *boom* the door falls of it hinges you see what you presume to be all of Nimis sisters led by a tall silver haired lady
"Give us Nimi back" says one of sister, you look at Nimi you can see that she is about to cry
"Take her" you say as you step aside "I could not protect her, so take her" the destroyer look at you the original on says
"z-24, 25 get her"
"Yes z-1" they say
"But I want to stay with you, at least come with me Athena" Nimi says
"I can't" you say as you see the invading fleet of sirens "I got a port to save, shall we meet again, Nimi." You then walk to the dock where you find dawn and sunset "hay girls want to join me for some hunting" you say they nod as they summon there ships next to yours 6ou jump on your ship and pick up your spear and head straight for the invaders dawn and sunset follow.
You make to the invading fleet you hear the commander say "all girl fall back" you switch to dawns and sunsets frequency
"You fall back you listen to him, you follow me you listen to me, so who will it be"
"To the end" says sunset
"I'll follow you to tell and back, Athena" says dawn "Let go girl" you say as you lead the counter attack, start to mop up the fleet. A couple hours later you fell something nock you over, your ears start to ring "Yes, yes I'm goanna get rewarded for this" says an over happy girl as she levels her cannons to you, you lift up your arm to defend your self
"don't you touch my Athena" you hear another girl say as several shells hit the woman aiming for her cube at you before she explodes, you see the girl from your last memory standing there wings fully outstretched blowing ship after ship apart. She ant fast. But my god dose she packs a punch. You look down to see a big cut against your stomach as you pass out.

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