everyone has there limits

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Chapter 49
I woke up with a splitting headache, the smell of bacon brings me fully to my senses, you sit up, well try to at least, every fibre of my body aches with pain, so you just go limb on your bed, hang on this is not your bed, because you don't have a pink bear in it.
"aghh, where am I" I'd groan as you eventually sit up
"oh your finally awake, I saw some Bullins carrying you off to god knows where, so instead of you waking up confused with people you don't know and says bulling at the end off every sentence, so I told them to bring you here" says a pink hared woman
"w-who are you" I asked, just realising that she is someone totally new
"we didn't get to meet in the old war, I am Lexington of the Lexington aircraft carrier" she says with a big smile
"Ok Lexington, aghh, fuck, sorry, I got to get to work" I say as I try to stand up, but I immediately stumble forward, and my head lands somewhere soft, I push my self up to see I had landed head first in the her breasts "sorry about that"
"It ok dear, but you have something on your mind, please do tell" she says 'no shit I have something on my mind, I where a slave for 4 years, the commander and admiral tortured I and no one will understand, or if they do there hate me for being weak'
"I'm fine" I growl as you walk to the door
"Come, sit with bug sister Lexington" she says as she pats the sofa next to her
"No, if someone came in, I would be done for, anyway if I told you, you would hate me" i say between your fangs, but I still sit down
"I will not judge you for your past, it can't be that bad right" she say as she brings you in to a hug.
And with that hug, what ever little resistance and hatred I had in me just disappeared, leaving me a sobbing, no, wailing mess as I cry, and I mean properly cry, not like what I did with alpha, that was semi controlled, this, this is throwing the floodgates open. I stay like that for God knows how long, until I had calm down enough to speak "y-you really what to know about me and not judge" I croak out
"Yes, no matter what you tell me, you will always be Athena" she says with a big smile
(Because I'm a lazy ass I'm going to do a time skip if it's really that important that I write this scene let me know and I will)
Time skip to after Athena had her breakdown
I was sat there but I managed to look up to see the her lost for words. "Now you hate me for being weak" I say, it feels good that your not the only one who knows anymore, but you have sacrificed your potential friend for it
"What, when did I say I hate you, I don't hate you, and anyone that thinks your weak for allowing what they did to you happen does not know the meaning of strong, you are strong, brave and careing. After what you have been through you deserve a break, but you still fight with a smile and help those that can't help themselves, and that's a testament to your strength" she says with a big smile as she's hugs you.
"Thank you, really thank you, I needed to tell someone to get it off my chest, but I did not want people to be let down by what happened, for people to see me as weak, to see that I'm a shadow of my former self."
Saratoga POV
I where quite happy, I have just set up my first prank for Athena and you even had time to get far away so no one will suspect that I did it, but before you could go inside my shared house with Lexington you heard crying, you were about to barge in to confute Lexington but then you heard Lexington's voice "yes no matter what you tell me, you will always be Athena"
(Time skip)
I have just heard all of Athena's issue. I, like everyone, though she just got lost, you open the door to see Athena in Lexington's arms. When Athena sees you she sits up "Saratoga, what do you need' says Athena like she didn't just have a breakdown. I Just walk up to her and give her a big hug "Saratoga, what is this for" Athena asks
"the pain you went through, no one should have to go through that" I say as I hug her, I feel the fluffy tails wrap round me, this feels nice, the prank you got to destroy it. "I will be back" I said as I ran out the door
Athena's POV
'I wonder what got Sara all wound up' I thought to my self "I better get going, thank you again for the chat" I said
"Any time, Athena" says Lexington, you open the door and walk out.
Saratoga's POV
I are running at full speed trying to destroy my prank. You think it's harmless but if that's the stait athena was in when I found her and everything you've done, it's better safe than sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going and I hit something, or someone in this case.
"Sara, why are you in such a panic. And have you seen athena" says enterprise, she is with Belfast and their children's counterparts.
"Yeah, she was in mine and Lexington's room" I said
"Oh, why's that?" asks Belfast
"And that's about everything" I said, enterprise's face could only be described as a face of pure disgust, Belfast looked shocked, luckily the little ones did not hear
"where's Athena now?" asks enterprise
"She should still be in my room, being comforted by Lexington" I replied
"Would it be possible to see athena" asks Belfast
"If you're asking if you can go inside my room, that's fine, it's up to athena if she wants to see you, that's up to her" i said
"thats ok, can you please take me to her, just so I know ive done everything in my power to help her" enterprise says, she must really care for Athena
"Ok then, follow me" I said as I lead them to my room
Saratoga and Lexington room a couple minutes after the encounter with enterprise
I walked in to my room and immediately spotted Lexington, but no Athena "lexi, where's Athena?" I asked
"She went to her room Sara, you and properly find her there" says Lexington
"Ok let's go there then girl" I said as I ran off to Athena's room...
A couple minutes later
"right here we are" I said as I nocked on the door "athena it Saratoga, open up" I continued, but there was no answer, enterprise looked worried
"Athena, where coming in" she say as she opens the door, and the moument she dose you look in to find athena hanging there...
...From the ceiling...
Enterprise draws her bow and shoot the rope and Belfast runs over to check her pulse
"she's dead"

Well athena is dead now, so tell me what you thought of my first story

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