tea with the queen

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Chapter 43
You step on the queen's ship."This way my ladys." says Belfast to you, Nimi and the siren whos name is apparently Alpha. The maid leads you through the ship to the bridge, but you can feel that something is off with Nimi.
"Nimi everything ok?" You ask, she looks up and smiles, but you can see panic and worry I'm her eyes.
"Yes it is, thank you for asking." she says, to normal ears it would of sounded legitimate, but your fox ears can here the lie as clear as day.
"Nimi, please don't lie to me, just tell me. If you don't want to talk a bout it, thats fine, but if you lie i'll think it's my fault." you say as you fake looking sad. Although being a kitsune made it very believable, so you stop. "Is it?" you ask, Nimi starts to panic even more and hugged you.
"No no no, Athena it could never be you fault." she says trying to comfort you.
"Okay then, let keep going." you try to hold back you laughter as you slowly cheer her up. "But really if you don't want to talk about it just say it." you say as you restart to follow Belfast who stopped with Alpha.
"I'm worried." she says.
"Worried about what?" you ask.
"Before the split, I... I had some friends from other factions."Nimi stated.
"Ok. That is good." You cheer but Nimi still looked down.
"What if they don't except me, or worst, still hate me. I...i don't think I could cope with that." she says sadly.
"Who are you most scared about hating you?" you ask maybe, no, you will help her remake friends with them.
"I'm mainly worried about Laffey and Javelin." she answers. You manage to hold back your laughter.
"You're worried about them hating you?" You say with a smile while she just nods "You're worrying about nothing. From what I know of Laffey, she is very understanding, well if you manage to find her when she's awake,. She is very caring and easy going." you say. Nimi just nods in deep thought about what you've said. "And Javelin, she will be over the moon when she finds out that you're safe and probably never would hate you in the first place." you say, and as if it was fate, Javelin walks down the corridor in that exact moment.
"Nimi!!" she shouts as she runs and jumps at Nimi and proceeded to rugby tackle her with a hug. You and Alpha laugh at this sight. But when you look over to the siren, you can see nothing but very hidden pain in her eyes. She might be laughing, but you know that she's dead on the inside. You walk over to her, and put a hand on her shoulder. Alpha tensed up and she stops laughing and looks at you with those hidden sad eyes.
"I'm here if you need anything, anytime, anywhere, just come and find me, ok."
"Well if i ever have problems, i will remember that offer." she says with a sad smile. If anyone else would have seen her they wouldnt even notice that the siren was hiding anything.
"Lets go." says javelin as she grabs Nimi by the hand and pulls her off to god knows where.
"If you will follow me please ladys." says Belfast lightly edging you all to continue. You all follow Belfast to the bridge. As you walk in there is a big table in the centre with the Queen, Warsprite, Hood and Unicorn sitting beside it. Javelin and Nimi are standing next to them uncomfortably with Belfast serving, only god was knowing how that girl is going to serve everyone. The queen does a deliberate cough to get everyone's attention
"Ladys, well done for what we just accomplished , that was no easy feat, so well done to all of you. Athena, Alpha, take a seat, Nimi you can also sit, your not here to serve us" says the queen. You three take your seats. Alpha sits next to Unicorn , Nimi sits next to hood and much to her delight she gets lots of headpats that she melts into, and you sit in-between the two. You were wondering where your sisters were, or why the queen lets a siren help us, but that wasnt important right now because neither were causing trouble at the moment.
"My queen, may I ask a question?" you say. She signals you to go ahead "How is Dido doing? I know that she is very quick to blame herself and I just want to check that she is ok." you say. Belfast tensed up and almost dropped the teacettle.
"I do not know, she just disappeared one day." says the queen.
"If I may answer that my queen." says Belfast, the queen nods. "She has been in a terrible state. When you where crushed by the earthquake she locked herself in her room crying, thinking it was her fault. Lithen managed to calm her down but she was given time off to calm down. She even visited you almost daily." Belfast says as she pours tea. You let out a sigh of relief. Belfast however wasnt done yet. "But , when you got kidnapped, our honourable master called her to his room." she was showing unseen anger and was gritting her teeth, but she manages to hold her posture.
"There he beat and raped her until her mind broke ." Belfast winced at the memory, and many gasps were heard. You swear you could see Alpha tense up straight, eyes looking like a flashback you were usually having. "Now she is just an empty shell and always crying. We had to confine her to her room after she tried to kill herself. Sheffield cried after finding this out, and that's the first time i've seen her do that."
"My god, he did not." says Hood horrofied, Belfast nods."He did." say Belfast.
"And here I was thinking he was gonna die a virgin." say Alpha. The chair and tableside she was sitting at had deep claw marks in it. Looking closer the chair was even splittered.
The tea party continued but you kind of tuned out after all that. You decide to catch some sleep on Nimi's ship, and Nimi follows you. You layed dwn on Nimi's bed because it's the only one with a mattress. Nimi grabbed Tina and crawls inbetween your arms. "Good night Athena." she says.
"Good night Nimi." you say back as she cuddles you until you both fall asleep.

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