The cats out the bag (atleast for us)

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Chapter 33
Siren POV
*Around 120m below sea level at the Azur lane base*
The machine quiets down with a low humming.
Siren 1: "So this thing can cause earthquakes, cant believe that honestly. Amzaing what the tech department can produce."
Siren 2: "They will never suspect us when natural desasters struck them." She replied with a low chuckle.
Siren 3: "So now we go back. We were just suppose to do a test here."
Siren 1: "Dont sweat the orders, look and listen at the radio, those whores up there are completely distraught, killing a few now will be easy, come on."
The siren readies her weapon and prepares to swim up only to be held back by the other two.
Siren 1: "Girls what is it, are you scared of a few defencless girls?"
Siren 2: "We were orderd to go back imideatly after the test, and i am not scared of them."
Siren 3: "Yes, remember Collectors orders, we were told to test this weapon and imideatly return and since i neither want to face those girls nor collectors wrath."
Siren 1:"You are all scared, and what if this Blood Blade ship she talked about is up there, what can a single girl do to us three?"
Suddenly the comms turn on with Collector on the other side which made the two caucious sirens stand at attention.
Collector: "You finished the test, now come back imideatly."
Siren 1:"But why, they are all not prepared we can quickly take a few shipgirls out above the-"
Collector:"NO BUTS YOU COME BACK HERE ALL AT ONCE. Dont you see that the Blood Blade is up there, now move it. I will open the portal."
The three sirens could only move into the now open portal back to base. In the background the single siren was still fuming and made her way directly to Collector.
After a short while she entered Collectors office. A quite big room with multiple computers and other things from different worlds to collect things, which brought Collector her name in the first place.
Collector was sitting at her desk with an unamused face since the troublemaker apparently distracted her at something.
Siren:"Now spit it out Collector, why would you let a perfect ambush opprtunity at our most dangerous opponent go to waste. And why are you scared of a single ship, one cant do anything again-"
Collector:"I would like you to keep your mouth shut. The problem was that you tried to go against my direct orders and, what is even worse, while the observations show that many shipgirls got injured in the weapon test, athena , or the blood blade however you like it, wasnt sunk."
Siren:"Who the hell is that ship anyway, its like the mere mention of it gives tester beta a panic attack, observer alpha wants to murder whoever said it and purifier somehow gets very defensive instead of agressive psychopathic. Its like i am talking about a living nightmare but that girl doesnt even look that threatening, she more or less looks like that cleveland chick."
Collector:"When were you built?"
Siren"A few months ago. Why are you asking?"
Collector:"So young and yet you dont respect the elders." She stood up and lookede directly into the Sirens eyes."First of all Cleveland dresses after a hero from the past so thats the first hint i am going to give you." She took a deep breath."Let me tell you a bit of the past. Around 6 years ago when the war with humanity started we were winning up until the creation of shipgirls, those pests, but before those humanity fought us with human crewed ships."
Siren:"Totally useless, humans arent even capable of carrying weapons that can injure us."
Collector:"Yes and so the human crewed ships were quickly replaced by shipgirls since those could actually put up a fight. Well exept three single ships whose captains were the three sisters. Those three destroyers were capable of taking on any threat together and alone and couldnt be sunk even if they fought against us high classes. We were forbidden to speak about the three from the moment we sunk them by our empress to destroy the memorie so i am only gonna talk about Athena since she is back. The ship she commanded actually has more of those battlestars the humans use than multiple enterprises because it survived multiple times against impossible odds, and those include fighting several times with nothing but ramming and handheld weaponry. We had to use many different strategies and spies to finally defeat that monster at the end and succeded after months of trying when we sent her alone against an entire fleet, though if you want the truth we dont even know if it sunk because it still destroyed the entire fleet but was not seen for the time until around a week ago."
The Siren was now sweating a bit.
Siren:"You want to tell me that a single destroyer took on an entire fleet, like multiple carriers and battleship , by herself and still put up a fight."
Collector:"Yes. And it gets even worse, you mentioned that humans cant harm us, well you know Tester Beta, that cold hearted one."
Siren:"Yes, Observer keeps talking about her far different personallity, whatever she means by that, i swear i can hear her cry sometimes."
Collector:"There was an Tester Alpha who was the best friend of Observer, and Athena killed her. Her reconstruction made her an different person with the former ones memories and thats why Observer gets murderous whenever she hears from the blood blade."
Siren:"The ship killed a high class alone, doesnt that take like a fleet of shipgirls if they are cornered."
Collector:"Worse, the captain, the human , killed her with nothing but her bare hands and a knife, sound impossible but it is true. She even is capable of besting purifier in a frontal fight which is why purifier doesnt like to talk about her. And now that damm ship has a shipgirl, which is apparently Athena however that is possible. I cant imagine how many people would be needed to kill her now, hence why i told you to come back imideatly. She might not seem threatening or cant use her rigging yet but she is still more than dangerous."
The siren was now sweating heavily because it sounded like she nearly went into a fight with the devil himself.
Collector:"Dont be afraid we do have something that can help us, remember i told you about her sisters who sunk. Well we have their lifeless bodies here and can use their fighting experience by using their memories and in the past that has upgraded our forces a lot and helped us against the shipgirls, but even those will not help us since athena was better than even those two. Come on i will show you them, Observer Alpha is propably screaming at them in her frustration so i advice to stay away from her until she cools down."
Collector took the frozen Sirens arm and literally dragged her out of the door.

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