Miraculous Ladybug x Ever After High salt prompt: Destiny is not step in stone

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Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it's confusing.
Warning 2: This prompt content salt don't like don't read!
Warning 3: References to the old hardcore versions of the fairy tales(Sun, Moon, and Talia, the 1812 version of the Grimm brothers tales ect...) and to the heavy subjects in those tales.(Death, torture, non-con ect...)

This prompt is based on an idea suggested by SaltyOni666 on AO3! ^^ (Thank you for this idea, you're awesome! :D)

P.S: If you want to use this prompt go ahead! Just credite and tag me in return please! ^^


So in this prompt, the Fairytale world's existence is found out by Earth and diplomatic relationships are already created.

To improve the relationship between both worlds, cultural exchanges are organized.

Milton Grimm and Snow White saw this as an opportunity to expand the destiny ideology to other worlds and make sure that a cultural exchanges take place at schools in the Fairy Tale world, Ever After High included, and so schools from all around the world participate to the cultural exchanges with schools from the Fairytale world.

When it was the turn of schools from France, the collège/lycée Françoise-Dupont was selected to go to Ever After High and Buster's class was selected to represent the school after some "negotiations"(read: the mayor making a "donation" to the school so Principal Damocles had to choose his daughter's class).

Headmaster Grimm hoped to gain some profit from the french class's visit to Ever After High to "share the destiny ideology"(aka forced others to adopt the ideology) and instructed his students to show to the french students "how wonderful having a destiny is" to "encourage them" to adopt theirs and not to ever act against it and even encourage others to follow the same path.

Headmaster Grimm, with a financial contribution from Snow White, even manages to give all the French class students their own mirror pads so that they could access the Fairytale world's web.

But things don't go as Milton Grimm planned, before Bustier's class even manage to set foot on Ever After High, Lila lied to her class about being Snow White's descendant.

When the French class eventually got to Ever After High, tension was created between the class and the EAH students and all that because of actions from both sides. All because of Lila's lies.

For the akuma class: as soon as they get to Ever After High, they begin to brag about Lila being a Royal and a descendant of Snow White much to the EAH student's anger. In particular the Royals and Apple who were livid that someone would dare to lie about being Snow White's descendant, sure Blondie told stories about being a Royal but she never lied about her heritage.

When the akuma class tried to get to know the EAH students, some quickly voiced their opinions about the EAH student's tales, some were not very nice.

Some of the Akuma class, mostly Alya and Lila, even asked them sensitive questions like:

-Asking Apple how can she be the future Snow White with her blonde hair? And won't stop trying to convince her that Lila being Snow White's descendant is true.

-Asking Briar if her father had really done "bad things" to her mother while she was asleep? As per the original fairytale, something that greatly upsets her.

- Stalking spying Raven to "keep an eye on her in case she was planning anything ''evil" and asking her if she's psychologically preparing herself for her future death by the red-hot iron slippers at the end of her tale? Which really confused Raven because she was told the Evil Queen at the end of Snow White was imprisoned, not tortured and killed and made her more wary and afraid about her destiny.

Miraculous Ladybug crossover salt prompt + AU + One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now