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When you woke up it was disappointed to see the room still illuminated by the moonlight. You rolled over and listened to your breathing. It was slow and had deep inhales and exhales. You laid there for a while before you sat up. Izuku was still sleeping, and you noticed the flowers and food on the nightstand you guys shared along with a card. You must've been too upset to notice it earlier. When you picked it up you noticed that it felt heavier than it would've before. You could feel how weak you were.

"Y/N and Izuku please eat these when you guys wake up and call me. I'm worried. XOXO Mom." You set it down and looked over to the plate that had 3 pieces of food left. It didn't look appetizing at all, in fact, you knew deep down that it would probably be a while before you could eat. After laying there for a while you ripped off the heart monitor after you unplugged it, and decided to get up. You held your hospital gown as you cracked the door open and looked into the hallway. It looked empty until you saw a girl walk across the hallway. Her white cape disappearing with her around the corner. You tip-toed out and ran to the other side to peer around the corner. She was gone. There wasn't anybody there. You just stood there with your eyes wide, and your body getting cold all of the sudden. There wasn't a person there. No doors opened or shut but she's gone. You turned around and walked back to the room. Izuku was still sleeping, but you couldn't. The sun started to rise, and eventually, he woke up.

"Oh, you're awake already? Good morning." You just laid there, not saying anything just completely lost in your thoughts. "Are you okay?" He sat up and leaned towards you before he realized your monitor wasn't beeping. "Hey, you took off the heart monitor? The doctor said not to."

"I don't care. I'm fine."

"No, you're not. You're still really injured."

"I don't care. I have to get out of here. Good morning. By the way." You sat up and got up to stretch. "I'm gonna go find Bakugo. Someway, somehow."

"You can't. Look at you, you're shaky when you stand. You should just rest. Even if you were physically capable how would you find him?" You ignored him and kept doing squats, praying your legs would be less shaky. He just watched you before his frustration built up and he clenched his fist before raising his voice. "You aren't being rational. How do you expect to save him if you don't even know where he is? You're just going to get killed!" 

"You don't understand." You took a seat because if you did another squat you knew you would fall, but it wasn't worth giving him another reason to stop you. 

"You aren't even allowed to leave the hospital yet Y/N! Do you see yourself? Why is it that important?"

"You don't get it." 

"Then tell me. Please! I don't want you to leave and do something that will get you killed."

"If I feel better when I'm allowed to leave you can't stop me."

"Why? He's still going to be with them if you go or not, so why is it important?" He sat there for a second before sighing, "Sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice you just woke up. Can you tell me why though?" Your arms shook as they clenched onto the hospital gown.

"Because it's my fault." Your voice cracked and you lowered your head to cover the tears forming, "It's my fault! He got captured because I was a dumbass and got hurt! I can't handle the guilt anymore." You slammed your fist onto the bed before pulling at your hair, "It's eating me alive. I have to get him back Izuku." The feeling of the small amount of soul left in the pit inside you breaking reflected more and more in your voice. Hold it together Y/N. Crying is weak. "It's because of me that he got taken." When you felt his hand on your shoulder it broke, and tears formed in your eyes before they dripped down. You pushed his hand away, "If I hadn't been hurt then he wouldn't have had to carry me. He could've fought back. I passed out, and he had to look after me." You grabbed the collar of the gown and pulled it away from your neck. It felt like it was trying to choke you all of the sudden and you struggled to take deep breaths again. "I was helpless, and my best friend got taken because of it. He can be an asshole and a hothead, but he can also be the best person to be around, and now he's gone. What if we never find him again? What if I never see him again? What if they torture him to the point they kill him?" You couldn't keep it together even if you tried, and you were breathing rapidly as you tried to get a grip.

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