Flustered Blob

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"I'm mad that you haven't told Sapnap. He should know too, right?"

George and I sit on the back porch. I am gazing out on my green yard, flourishing lawn, tall trees swaying in the wind, a rock pathway leading to my hot tub in the corner. One I just recently got, but haven't quite had the guts to use yet. My eyes move to where George sits next to me. He is sitting cross-legged with his hands folded in his lap. He twiddles with his fingers as he waits for my response.

I take a deep breath through my nose, letting the smell of fresh air into my lungs with a slight scent of George, sweet like candy.

"You're not mad that I kissed you?" My voice is small, it was something I was terrified to ask. The reason I was brave enough was because of Sapnap's words.

George looks over at me, confusion flashing across his features. "Did you think I was?"

I nod my head slightly.

George spins his eyes across my features in thought. "I mean, I could be. But mostly I'm mad because you've kept such a big secret to yourself for so long."

I open my mouth to respond but George continues.

"I feel like I understand you better now, and if you would've told the both of us sooner we would've been able to help you a little, or something."

I let my shoulders sink and I look at George's dark eyes. His features hold slight worry, eyebrows drawn downward, lips in a thin line.

"How would I even bring it up?" I ask. "I thought about it so much, and there were times I wanted to tell you, when it was bothering me or making life hard, but... how? How can I tell my best friends what I am? It's embarrassing and a burden, and so abnormal. I just... I didn't want you to think I was a freak and never talk to me again."

George's hand rests on my thigh. "You know Sapnap wouldn't do that. And it's not like we are leaving anytime soon. We still have to celebrate your birthday."

I give a small laugh. "I guess."

"Dream," I look up at George. "Show him who you are so we can all understand you better. And maybe we can help you out instead of hinder you."

"You really think so?" I rest my hand on George's. "Because I think Sapnap might exploit it."

George laughs, his eyes flick to our hands resting on my thigh and back up to my face.

"Also," I add before George can say anything, "just so you know, I can only change back when I'm alone. So when I do shift I need you to leave me alone so I can change back."

George nods. "I can do that."

I smile and take a deep breath squeezing George's hand. "You're sure your not mad that I kissed you?"

George looks down in thought then back to inquiring green eyes. "If I'm going to be honest, no, I'm not mad that you kissed me."

"Okay, good, because I'm pretty sure you kissed me back if I remember right."

George's face goes red and he stands up, leaving my hand cold. He looks down at me. "Well... since I'm being honest, I think you should do that more often." He spins away before he can catch my jaw dropped reaction. "Now it's your turn to tell the truth." 

I swallow hard and get up following George in the house.

Sapnap is sitting on the couch on his phone, as usual. He looks up when we enter. His eyes return to his phone as he quickly types and then he locks his phone.

"You guys good?" he asks.

I nod my head. "Actually, we need to tell you something."

Sapnap moves to respond but George interrupts saying, "Dream, needs to tell you something." and he pushes me towards Sapnap.

Sapnap raises an eyebrow but waves me to proceed.

I wring my fingers together and sit on my couch. "So..." I look at Sapnap as he waits patiently. "There's this thing that happened to me when I was little, and ever since I've been kind of different."

George sits on the couch next to me.

"I don't really know how to say it, so maybe I can just show you?" I look over at George and he nods his head.

"So pretty much," I look over at George and he grabs my hand.

"You guys are together." Sapnap finishes with a big smile on his face. "I knew it."

"What? Sapnap, no," I protest.

George's fingers retract from mine quickly and he tucks his hands into his pockets.

"No, Sapnap," he starts, "It's different than that, will you just- pay attention."

Sapnap raises his eyebrows and sits down after his short lived celebration. "Well, what is it then? Something you have to show me, then go on."

I take a deep breath. "I can't do it on command." I look at George.

"Uhh... I don't know." George looks at Sapnap. "Make a dnf joke."

Sapnap stares at the both of us in utter confusion, eyebrows shifting together in concern. "What? You guys are being weird." He stands up. "You're just messing with me."

I stand up too. "No, it's just... well, it is weird, and it's something I've been dealing with all my life and I finally got the guts to tell George and now I'm trying to tell you, but it's hard to say without freaking you out so I need to show you. Just-"

"What could be so weird about you that you couldn't say it out loud? And what does it have to do with dnf jokes?"

I sigh. Why was this so hard? Usually Sapnap would be so willing to make a dnf joke. Now he's confused and in the dark, and somewhat upset.

I'm just making things worse.

I turn to look at George. He stands next to me and grabs my arm. I turn to look back at Sapnap, but George is pushing me to face him. His hand rests on my bare chest, something I forgot about, and pushes me to sit on the couch. He climbs onto my lap and moves his cold hands to my sunburnt shoulders.

I stare wide eyed at him, face heating up, and he smirks. "What are you doing?" I ask at the same time as Sapnap.

George slowly moves his hands down my chest giving me flashbacks to the moment in the bathroom. My heart rate picks up.

"George?" My breath comes in shallowly as I feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

He was doing this to get me flustered.

"Sapnap," I gush out as I feel myself change. "This is my secret. Please don't hate me."

George climbs off my lap and stands next to a confused Sapnap.

I feel the familiar tingling feeling in my chest and I shrink under their gazes in utter embarrassment. Sapnap takes a step back from the little blob that is me, his eyes are wide.


George grabs his arm. "Apparently, when he was little, he was cursed to shrink into this little blob whenever he blushes or gets embarrassed. Isn't he cute?"

I sink into the couch cushions as they both stare at me.

Sapnap's jaw drops. "That's Dream?"

George nods with a smile.

"How did this even...? He's had this his whole life? And he never said anything?"

"Well... yeah."

"I thought this was stuff only in movies."

George nods thoughtfully. "Me too."

I feel like suffocating myself in the pillow from all the attention.

Thanks for reading! How do you feel today? Make sure to drink some water. Stay healthy! <3

1301 words

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