Freaky bug!

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           I highly doubt that they have
           Bugs crawling around the
          Mansion but it's only for
         The scenario's

                   {Shu Sakamaki}

Shu was lying on the couch and you were daydreaming about something random, you spotted a little movement on the floor but didn't have a thought on it until it started hopping, "Eeeek! A cricket!" You yelled. "Shu! Kill the cricket!" Shu groaned and ignored you. You're afraid of bugs and you grabbed a "weapon" and threw it at the cricket and stomped on (the object you threw) but getting scared of just stomping on it, you fell onto Shu and he pushed you away, "(Y/N), do all that noise in your room," Shu said in irritation.

You huffed and said, "Well, I would like to see you getting rid of a bug!" Shu's eyes opened and he smirked. He sat up and asked, "Where's the cricket?" "Under (the object)." You answered while pointing to it. Shu picked up the object then picked up the cricket which you almost barfed in disgust. "Hehe" Shu threw it on you and you hopped and screamed your lungs out, "AH! GET IT AWAY! AHHH!" Shu laughed and threw it away while you whined to the bathroom and cleaned the "infected" area.

                     {Reiji Sakamaki}

You were sweeping the floor and you saw a small figure crawling on the floor, "Uh... Reiji? T-There's a r-r-roach crawling on the fl-oor..." You said and Reiji came over and stepped on it. "(Y/N) do things yourself..." Reiji said then he walked away. You rolled your eyes and mummbled under your breath saying, "I didn't ask for him to kill it. I was only informing him.." "What was that?" Reiji asked slightly hearing you. "Nothing," you responded then you continued sweeping.

(A/N): Short but what to put?

                   {Ayato Sakamaki}

You and Ayato were working out then you got thirsty. You went to the kitchen cabinets getting a cup then you saw a web with a small spider on it. You screeched and shut the cabinets causing Ayato to be alarmed and teleport in the kitchen being worried... For once, "(Y/N), what's wrong!? Yours truly will protect you!"

You shook with fear and Ayato noticed, "Really, what's wrong?" He asked sounding so concerned that it'll probably be the only time you'd hear him sound like he cared. You pointed to the cabinet and whispered, "Spider..." Ayato slowly made his way over expecting something dangerous but when he opened it, he laughed.

"You're afraid of a tiny harmless spider!?" You felt heat rush through your face from embarrassment and Ayato squashed it and put it towards you, "Ayato, get that away from me!" You whined with fear. "Why? It's only a little spider!" He teased. "No!" You ran away from him and Ayato was chasing you, "Come on! It's dead!" He said like a maniac.

How would this end...

                    {Kanato Sakamaki}

You and Kanato were doing nothing, just minding your own business until Kanato screamed and ran to you, "Kanato! What's wrong!" You asked being alarmed. "A bug is crawling on the floor!" Kanato answered as his breath shook.

You got up and saw the Asian bug frozen. You grabbed your shoe and you were hesitant because you hate killing bugs. You don't like bugs either and when you do squish them, you hear SQUISH and it gives you the great jitters.

You slammed the shoe on the bug then ran away from it, "Is it... Dead?" Kanato asked while shifting his gaze towards you. "I don't know" you responded. You lifted the shoe with your foot and it was squashed. You and Kanato both sighed then called Reiji to get it.

Apparently, your reward was Kanato drinking your blood- 

                     {Laito Sakamaki}
(A/N): This happened yesterday while me and my sis were in the kitchen and I was supposed to clean the dishes.... True story.. Kinda-

You and Laito were in the kitchen; you, cleaning the dishes, and, Laito, was sitting down doing nothing. You turned around to hang up the pot but dropped it seeing a black cricket. You asked for the broom but Laito said he didn't know. You found the broom from searching for a long time and you ran back in the kitchen with the broom over your head.

You were excited to kill it but madly scared and you forcably slammed the broom on the floor but you didn't mean to put so much force into it and you smashed the cricket and the head of the broom snapped and broke off.

The cricket was still alive and you kind of panicked about it. "Wow- feisty little bitch..." Laito said from behind. "Was that a compliment or no?" You questioned. "Take it however you wanna take it" Laito replied while teleporting to wherever. "Am I left with this cricket?" You asked with a sigh, "and a broken broom..." Laito can back with bug spray and chuckled, "Seriously? You have bug spray that I could have used instead of the broom?" Laito sprayed the bug and you trapped it under a box then swipped it outside.

Your reward was... Nothing-  "I could reward you but you broke the broom and you had help with killing the bug sooo-" Laito said sarcastically and walked away.

                {Subaru Sakamaki}

You and Subaru were taking a walk and enjoying the day until you guys say a grub on the sidewalk, "EEEEK!" You screeched while jumping onto Subaru but you did it without a warning so he accidentally let you fall onto the grub and you stepped on it squishing it.

"ERWEEERWEERREWE!" You screamed and took your shoe off and Subaru sighed. "Let's walk back home..." He said while grabbing your wrist and you held your shoe far from you.

(A/N): I wanna yell a story that happened to me irl- hehehe-

Once, I sat on a cicada and it squished.... It had qreen blood and... Let's say, I was traumatized... Ahem-

Yesterday- A cricket was in the sink and I "killed" it let's say ten times.

I sprayed water, I used, bleach, citric acid, lemon juice, peroxide, dish soap, paprika, and got tempted to use a match to burn in... My grandma got it down the drain so that was fortunate.

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