Chapter 14

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~Jai's point of veiw~

After the monster that I once called my father finished his sickening assault he punched me one last time before lowering his head down to my ear

"Thats what you get for being a faggot you pathetic little boy,I hope you die here alone you were nothing but a mistake,I will be back sleep with your eyes open Jaidon"he spat before casually strolling out of the alley way.

It felt like ages of me lying on the cold floor naked from my groin down sobbing before I heard my name being shouted,I instantly recognised the voice as Beau's.With a new boost of energy i shouted his name repeatedly hopeing he would hear me.

Thankfully after about 30 seconds of screaming his name he came running down the alley way,stopping dead in his tracks when he seen me i heard him take in a sharp breathe before letting out a sob,he ran over to me repeatedly whispering 'oh my god'.

He crouched down next to me pushing the hair of my forehead

"Oh my god Jai who did this,where are your pants"he asked Frantically looking around.

"D-dad"i stuttered out.

"He did this?"Beau questioned.

I nodded slowly tears falling from my eyes.He kissed my Forehead gently.

"I promise everythings going to be alrite okay I'm here now and nobody is going go get to you,did-did he ra-rape you?"he stuttered.

I let out a small whimper of a yes,more tears falling.

"Okay come in let's get you decent then I will take you home alrite?"he questioned.

"No Beau I can't put pants on it will hurt to much"i whimpered.

He let out a small okay before rapping his jumper around my lower half,he scooped me up as gently as he could before leading out the alley way,through the park to his car.

Once we were at the car he placed me in my feet gently supporting me with a hand on my hip opening the car door.

Glancing up I seen skip and Luke in the back with frightened looks in there faces and James in the front of the car with a paled expression,as soon as my eyes set on Luke i let out a loud sob rushing into the car as quickly as my beaten body would let me clinging to him,refusing to let him go.


~Luke's point of veiw~

He wrapped his arms around my torso burying his head into my kneck sobbing loudly,Tears ran down my cheeks seeing my Jai like this,trying to comfort him by whispering repeatedly that he was okay now,he quickly fell asleep probably exhausted from the nights events.

"Beau what happend"skip asked quietly respecting that Jai was asleep.

"i found him in the alley near the park he said it was dad,he obviously beat him up but he had no pants on so I asked why and he said dad raped him aswell"Beau explained.

I felt my breathing hitch,anger cursing through my vains,how could he do this to his own son,how could he do this to my Jai

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