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Okay so basically I've been getting messages from a user saying how my story is shit and I write like a child.

First of all I write for my own enjoyment and my own happiness,nobody else's if somebody else enjoys my writing then that's a bonus,this story is my first on wattpad so i wasn't expecting it to be amazing at all and it isn't up to what I'm fully capable of doing but like I said it's my first.

Secondly to be perfectly honest if you don't like my story that's fine but id appreciate it if you kept your sly,unwanted,uneducated opinion to yourself I'm not here living today to please everybody.

Thirdly your opinion or insult really isn't going to get to me like you want it,trust me I've heard worst so don't waste your battery and my time writing unwanted opinions.

Lastly if you feel like this story is bad or your better at writing that's fine I'm seriously not arsed,but how about you show abit of fucking respect to me and anybody else who your hating on and the fact that you've got time to message and try and insult me straight of shows the type of person you are.

So to anybody else who is planning in slagging my story and my writing off don't even fucking bother because I can promise you your really not going to upset or insult me

And to everybody who comments on my story or votes thank you so much for the support I love you ❤️

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