Chapter 15

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~Luke's point of view~

After we had put Jai to bed I went and joined the rest of the boys in the front room,everybody was sat staring at the floor,tears close to falling.

"He is asleep"i commented

They all looked up at me nodding before going back into the same position,i was surprised that none of then had punched a hole in the wall to be honest.I was as shocked as them but I was more angry than anything,his own dad beat him then sexually assaulted him what kind of prick does that,my own father caused my brother,my best friend,the one person I love more than anything,pain he made him cry, he made him beg.

I don't know what could go through his head to make him do what he did if I had a child id do my best to stop them from getting hurt and I'd hurt anybody who caused them pain,part of being a parent is protecting your child and if you can't do that and you cause the pain yourself then you don't deserve to be a parent.Pretty fucking simple.

"You know we need to tell the police,get him locked up"Beau commented snapping me from my thoughts.

"We don't do anything until we have spoken to Jai,we don't know the full details Beau,he might not want to even tell the police yet"I explained

"He has to tell the police Luke he can't let him get away with this"he argued

"Trust me he won't get away with it but this is Jai's choice nobody else's"i explained

"I don't fucking care that dickhead that we once called our dad needs locking the fuck up"he shouted

"Beau like I said this is his decision to make and whatever he decides to do we all need to respect that decision and support him,even if he doesn't go to the police he will get what's coming to him and that's a promise"i spoke

He nodded before plonking back down on the sofa,suddenly rapid steps were heard coming down the satires and Jai ran into the room tears falling fast from his eyes he looked around the room before running over to me leaping into my lap,head in my chest as he sobbed.

"It's okay baby your fine now I promise"I whispered running my hand through his matted hair.

I thin layer of sweat stuck to his forehead,his breathing was heavy and his body trembled and to be honest it was fucking heartbreaking.

I don't know if my dad thinks he has gotten away with this,but if he better sleep with his eyes open because I'm getting justice for my brother,even if it's the last thing I do.

Authors note 👩

Sorry if there are loads of mistakes,I'm on my phone and yes it's pretty awkward to write on.
Thank you for being Patient with me and the updates,if you have read my last AN you would know I've recently had a death in the family,unfortunately my sister lost the battle to Lung cancer and as you can imagine it's been hard but thank you to all the comments wishing me well it means a lot I love you all.

Rip Imogen,always be in my heart,best big sister anybody could ask for sleep tight up there x 👼🌟

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