Chapter twenty x

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~Jai's point of veiw~

I knew I was hurting Luke it was obvious by the way his beautiful face would twist in pain and discomfort when he seen me and Lily together and it kills it fucking kills to see him hurting because of me but I'm scared so scared.

What if 'dad' finds out that me and Luke are actually together and me and Lilly are just friends I won't be able to cope with his blackmail again I can't do that so to prevent it it's easier to push Luke away and get close to Lily.

I miss him I miss him so much I just miss having him there with me but I have to hurt him to protect myself,a selfish as that sounds I don't think I would be able to carry on being manipulated and blackmailed, I love him so much and I know he loves me so hopefully he will understand.

Me and Lil were lying on the bed cuddling when Skip come in looking pretty pissed.

"Jai we need to talk man seriously"he demanded sternly

"Why what's wrong" I asked confused

"Luke has just been crying his eyes out downstairs Jai it's not fair"

"Why what's wrong is he okay"i questioned concerned

"No he isn't fine Jai he told me that you and Lilly are fake and he thinks that you don't love him anymore because your hardly speaking to him you don't stay in his room anymore he said when you came up with the idea the plan was you stayed together and you and Lilly were only fake but now when he says he loves you you don't say it back he is devastated Jai he is so hurt,what the fucks going in man"

"I'm just scared"i whispered "what if 'dad' finds out that it's fake"

"Jai listen what's happened to you is one of the worst things that can happen to anybody I get that and I'm so sorry it had to happen to you bud but you can't let Luke get hurt as well as you it's not right your dad won't find out as long as You keep yours an Luke's relationship out of the public eye,you've hurt him man and you need to fixit before it's to late" he demanded

I just nodded silent tears covering my cheeks upset with myself for doing this.

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