chapter 17

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~Luke's point of veiw~

I came into Jai's room to see him lying on the bed a thin layer of sweat clung to his forhead obviously from panacking about something.

"Hey baby you okay?"I asked joining him on the bed.He took a quick look at before shaking his head.

"I dont want to be with you anymore"he blurted out.

First of all I was shocked,scared but then when I looked at his face his expression showed nothing but pain and I knew he didnt mean it.

"Baby what's going on I know you don't mean this I can tell and don't lie to me be honest with me I can help you thats what I'm here for,by breaking up with me what do you think will happen?"I questioned,by now he was sobbing.

"I just want everything to be okay I want my old life back where we are all happy,when he wasn't in our lives and if I'm not with you then maybe he will leave me alone and maybe we can be happy again"he cried,I pulled him into my chest before slowly nodding.

"Okay how about this,we tell everybody including the boys that we aren't together we decided that it wasn't working out and we just want to be brothers we get you a beard gilfriend to make it believable,we can write it on twitter so dad can see he will leave you alone and we can try and get you back to normal"I explained.

He let out a sob before whispering a small okay,I hope to god this doesn't backfire.


I know its pretty short and its taken ages for me to update but due to recent problems I relapsed after a year and simply wasn't feeling up to it sorry love you all x

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