Chapter 3

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All the boys supported me,I know they would i was just overthinking but Luke still stayed constantly on my mind.

I had to tell somebody what I was feeling keeping it all to myself was eating me alive,I needed somebody to help me.

The only person I knew I could talk to was Beau,I quickly made my way to Beaus room giving a quick knock before walking in,to find Beau and Daniel sucking eachothers faces off.

"Shit Jai it isn't what it looks like"Beau shouted quickly jumping away from skip.

"Yes it I'm not blind I'm not bothered,I'm happy for you both and I'm sorry to cut this short but i need to speak to you Beau"i replied feeling more and more nervous with every word.

"Okay come on we will go to the spare room"he said leading the way.

Once we were in the room he flopped down on the bed

"Shoot away Jye"

"Beau I Erm I need to tell you something but please don't hate me"i whispered.

"I won't hate you go on"

"i Erm I've got feelings for Luke and I know it's so wrong but I'm in love with him Beau and I'm so disgusted in myself and I know I probably make you sick because trust me i make myself sick but please don't hate me Beau please"I begged tears falling down my cheeks.

My legs went from under me as I collapsed to the floor a sob escaping me mouth.

"Hey,hey I don't hate you its okay,you can't help who you fall for Jai,come on bro it's alrite"Beau responded sitting on the floor next to me pulling me into a hug as I sobbed.

"Did you mean all that Jai"i heard a familiar voice whisper from behind me.

I snapped my head round to face the voice.


"Luke I'm sorry please don't hate me"i begged.

"No i don't hate you"he whispered crouching infront of me.

"I'm sorry"i sobbed.

"Don't be sorry,it's okay but Jai I'm sorry I don't feel anything for you in any way accept from in brotherly affection you will always be just my twin brother and I'm sorry for that"he spoke softly before kissing my forehead and leaving me on the floor with my big brother.

A loud sob escaped my mouth followed by another and another,my whole world had just been torn down from around me.

My heart had just been ripped open and stomped on by 8 words 'You will always just be my twin brother' allthough I knew this all along hearing it come out of his mouth hurt me more than I could of imagined.

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