Chapter 2

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~Jai's point of view~

Me Skip,Beau and Luke were all sat in the back garden cooling down after cleaning inside the house,the boys were chatting away about an idea for the next video I was trying my hardest to concentrate on what they were talking about but all I could think about was Luke.

I know the boys would support me of i told them I was gay but if I ever told them about my feelings for Luke they would think I was fucked up I know they would and then I'd loose everybody including Luke and I won't be able to cope without them I'd fall apart.

My thoughts were interupted by Luke literally jumping on my lap.

"What's up Jye,you seem deep in thought"he whispered so the boys couldn't hear.

"I'm fine don't worry"i smiled weakly.

"I know your lying I will speak to you later,this isn't over if anybody has hurt you Jai i will be kicking ass"he whispered abit louder this time.

"No no Luke nobodys done anything I promise"i smiled trying to reassure him.

He patted me on the back before returning to his seat next to Beau.

As soon as he moved I missed the comfort he gave me,I missed the warmth he gave me,I missed his smell,I missed him and I know I'm never going to be able to have that constantly, I know I'm never going to be able to call him mine he is and will always stay as my twin brother.

"Woah,mate what's wrong"Skip asked a concerned look on his face.

"What? Nothing"i replied snapping out of my thoughts.

"Yes there is, your crying Jai,What's wrong?"Beau asked leaning forward in his seat.

"Oh er Nothing"i whispered wiping my tears away as quick as they came.

"Nah Jai your not getting away with that you've been deep in thought all night,you've hardly spoken and now your crying"Luke half shouted at me whilst crouching infront of me.


I could tell them I gay?tell them all the thinks I was worried about to do with being gay and avoid the Luke situation.

"Luke can I speak to you"i asked

"Yes come on bud"he replied pulling me up and leading me into the kitchen.

"Right what's up Jye"he asked concern written all over his face.

"I'm gay" i whispered.

"Okay and what's wrong with that?"he asked confused.

"Nothings wrong with it in itself but what if the fans don't support me,what if you boys turn against me,what if mum's ashamed of me,what if the magazines and TV rip me apart for it,what if I'm on my own and I have to face all the hate I get on my own I can't do that Luke"i explained tears flooding my cheeks.

"Hey,hey woah your not going to be on your own you've got me and the boys here you know we will all support you and as for the fans you don't need to come out to them yet and when you do im sure our true fans will support you,mum will stand by your side through everything and the magazines won't do anything Jai your overthinking,but I'm proud of you for coming out Jai,I love you man"Luke whispered pulling me into a hug.

As I sobbed into his shoulder I took everything about him in as quick as I could before he pulled away.

"Jai whats wrong"i heard Beau ask from behind me.

I pulled away from Luke to look at Beau,Luke glanced at me,obviously asking if he could explain I gave him a quick nod.

"Jai is gay and he was worried that people wouldn't accept him but i explained to him they would and he is fine now"Luke smiled at me.

"Oh fuck you were right,how the fuck did you get that right?"Beau asked Luke.

"Wait,what?"i asked Beau.

"Luke said like a matter of 3 days ago that he thought you were gay"he explained.

"Really?"i asked Luke.

"Yes I could tell"he smirked.


"Jai your my twin brother"he laughed.

Twin brother,your my twin brother

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