Chapter 11: Meeting The Club

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Aniya's POV

I wake up feeling a small weight on my chest. I open my eyes and see my beautiful baby boy sleeping on my chest fisting my shirt. 'What happened,' I think before trying to get up. As soon as I move my abdomen starts to hurt, I let a small yelp of pain. Just minutes after Drake comes running into the room. "Are you ok!" he exclaims swiftly checking for any more injuries. "I-I'm fine but what happened?" I ask laying back down. "You were shot last night," He says, his eyes turning a darker shade of blue. "I- I was what!" I yelled jumping up but instantly falling down in pain. My franticness woke up Kai and he started crying. "It's ok little guy," Drake says picking Kai up and rocking home back and forth instantly calming him. 

"Look I'm sorry about what happened it's all my fault you got hurt," Drake says sadly looking down not being able to meet my eyes. Before I could think my arms are wrapped around him in a tight hug. I didn't care if my stomach was burning with pain, he needed reassurance, it wasn't his fault I got shot. "It wasn't your fault, you weren't the one holding the gun," I say letting a tear slip down my cheek. "It's should have been me what if something worse happened you have your son to care for," Drake says with a kiss on my forehead. "And you have your club to take care of," I say rubbing my thumb u and down his cheek. 

"Ok love birds time to break it up," A tall man with black hair and grey eyes says from the doorway. "Way to break up the sentimental moment Ace," Drake says rolling his eyes. I just glare at him before sitting back down on the bed. "What! Emma is waiting for the both of you so we can eat breakfast," The man I now know is Ace says walking out the room. "Time to eat I guess," Drake says turning back to me. I just nod before getting back up slowly and follow Drake to a lounging area. "Let me introduce you to my club family," Drake says looking at all the people in the room. 

Time skip- After introductions

It took almost an hour and a half to introduce me to everyone, It turns out I had already met Emma cause she's the girl who does my nails, I also met some of the other Girlfriends/Old Ladies, Alana, and another girl named Dalia. "So how do you like it here so far," Dalia asks taking a sip of her orange juice. "I like it everyone is so nice here," I say, my gaze meeting Drakes. "If you don't mind me asking where's Kai's father," Alana asks. "O-oh umm He didn't really want him so I left," I say giving clipped answers about my previous relationship. "I can tell that's not all but we're not gonna push you to answer," Emma says rubbing my shoulder before getting up to go over to her Husband. 

After they asked about Kai's father I just stayed quiet listening to them tell funny stories about Drake and their husbands. "So Aniya I heard you were willing to help us with our little 'problem'," Prez says pulling up a chair to our table. "Yes, I did agree, because I know the importance of family," I say taking a sip from my water. He nods before saying "All you have to do is apply for a job at Club Cheeta in Savannah GA, scope out the club then report to us, and we'll d the rest of the work." As soon as he said Club CHeetah I was frozen in fear. 

My Ex may not live in the US but he does own some clubs here in Georgia and Club Cheetah being one of them, that's how he found us last time. "C-Club Cheetah?" I ask just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. "Yes, Club Cheetah you have a problem with that club," Drake asks coming up behind me. "I...I-It's just that I used to work there and um Kai's dad owns that club," I say mumbling the last part. "Wait what?" Ace asks coming out of the kitchen. "I thought Kai's dad was from the UK," Drake says completely confused. "He does live in the UK but he has a couple of businesses here in the US, Club Cheeta being one of them," I say rubbing my temples. 

"I don't know if sending Aniya to scope out the club is a good idea she isn't on the best terms with her Ex," Dalia says budding into the conversation. "I agree to," Emma says. "Guys ill be fine if I wear my usual shades and put on a wig I won't be that noticeable," I say standing up exasperated. 'The worst he'll do is beat me,' I think or so I thought...

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