Chapter 17: Daddy?!

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Anita's pov
The girls and I started our day off with some more pole practice. After a few hours, we decided to go get our hair and nails done so we could bond more. Kai's been hanging out a lot with Drake and the other men on the compound and I wouldn't be lying if I didn't say I was a bit jealous. It's always been just Kai and me. It's just been so weird knowing that Kai has a father figure to look up to. Drake is amazing with taking care of him I mean he feeds him, he spends time with him, and he even reads him bedtime stories. I love Drake...and I hope he loves me back...
At the Salon
"I can't remember the last time I had a spa day," Emma says as the nail tech massages her ankles. "We'll have to change that," I say wincing a bit as the lady pulls a wax strip from around my eyebrow. "You do this often then?" Alana asks lifting her eyebrow. "With my job you always have to look pretty and perfect to get more money, "I say letting out a deep sigh. "Is stripping really what you wanted to do?" Emma asks giving me a cautious smile. "I mean I wanted to be a NICU nurse but with Kai and the problems with my ex, it would be hard to do school," I say a lump building in my throat. A tear slips down my eyes as I remember how ambitious I used to be. I tried so hard in high school so I could go to nursing school but as soon as I met James I threw my dreams and aspirations all away. 

"I'm sure you will be able to go back to school Aniya you still have a long life to live," Alana says giving me a reassuring smile.
We soon finished our hair and nails when I got a call from Drake. "Hi, darling are you gonna be home soon?" He asks as I walk out of the salon. "We're on our way, why?" I ask replying to his question with a question. "No reason baby I just have to news for you," he says kind of excitedly. Before I can ask anything else he buds his goodbye and hangs up. That was weird.
The trip back to the clubhouse was a silent but not uncomfortable silence. I couldn't stop thinking about this news that Drake had for me. What if he decided that he didn't like me anymore and wanted to break up?

Drakes Pov

"Daddy? I'm hungy," Am I hallucinating right now or did Kai just call me daddy. "W-wait what did you say?" I ask shocked at the small boy. "I'm hungy dada," he says innocently. I stare at him before quickly picking him up and running into the kitchen to make him lunch. "The food is almost ready," I say let the hot food cool off a bit. "When is mama coming home dada?" Kai asks in his baby voice while chewing on his Capri sun straw. "I'll call her and ask her," I say to the small boy while placing his food in front of him. "Hi, darling are you gonna be home soon?" I ask nervously thinking this is all a dream. She says they're on their way and now I'm breaking out in a cold sweat. What if she doesn't like Kai calling me dad? Will, she thinks we're moving too fast. All the bad thoughts I kept locked away came flowing through my head. 

Time Skip

"Babe I'm back," I hear Aniya as she opens our bedroom door. "Hey, amore how was your day at the salon?" I ask trying to beat around the bush. "It was good, so what was this news you wanted to tell me?" she asks putting her stuff away and getting ready for a shower. "Well...Kai, he called me daddy," I say almost in a whisper. Aniya froze in shock as she was gathering her shower items. Tears streamed down her face as she almost fell to the floor. I swiftly caught her before she could hit the ground. "I-I can't believe he called you d-daddy, I thought he would never consider any man his father after James," she said choking on her sobs as she cried into my chest.

I sat there rubbing circles onto her back soothingly. "I never thought I would have a kid to call me daddy," I admit softly kissing her temple. "You do now," she says with a bit of a chuckle. "Now I do," I say giving her a small smile. "I-I love you," she says still crying into my chest. Great first Kai calls me daddy and now my beautiful woman says she loves me...Before I knew it I was in tears too. "I love you too," I say as a small body pushes our room door and in walks my little prince in all his glory. Seeing his mother in distress he joins our hug and says "I wuv you, mommy, pwease don't cry." The rest of our evening we cuddled and comforted each other as a Family

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