Chapter 20: Waking up & Cottage Cheese

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Drake's POV

It's been 2 weeks...

2 weeks since I saw her smile...

2 weeks since I heard her laugh...

2 long weeks of no Aniya. She's the love of my life...Yes, I do love her. With all my heart. It was hard telling Kai his mom is hurt and that she may never wake up. Little Kai didn't understand, he just wanted his mama. "When will she wake up?" Kai asks in tears sitting in my lap. "I'm not sure Kai," I say my voice wavering. I haven't slept in days and it's starting to get to me. I couldn't believe it when her doctor confirmed her pregnancy. We were lucky enough to have gotten her in time but the doctor believes our baby will be born deaf due to Aniya contracting Herpes from that bastard James. I don't care if our child is born with a disability I'm just happy she/he is ok. "Mama," Kai says out of nowhere causing me to look up. There she is Aniya, my love, my life with her eyes barely open and a small smile on her face, "K-kai?" she asks slowly lifting her hand to caress our son's cheek. 

"Y-your ok," my voice cracked at the end. I let a sigh of relief out to know that my beautiful girl is ok. "D-drake?" she says, her smile getting wider. "Y-yes it's me," I say getting up and giving her 3 soft kisses. "I'm so sorry," I say tears running down my cheeks. "I-It wasn't your f-fault," she says trying to soothe me as I cry into her chest. I feel like such a pussy right now crying but I guess I needed to let out my frustration somehow. "I should have been there, he should have never gotten you," I say angrily as I put my hands on her cheeks. "I don't blame you for what happened, James is just a bad man," she says giving me a peck on the cheek. 

"Did you know?" I ask sheepishly referring to the pregnancy. "Know what?" Aniya asks confused. "That your pregnant," I say putting a hand on her stomach. "W-what?" Aniya asks confused and shocked as she looks at her stomach. "I-I didn't know... is the baby ok d-did we lose it?" she frantically asks making her heart monitor spike. "Mommy?" Kai says as I try calming Aniya down but before I could get her heart rate down a nurse busts the door open. "What happened?" the nurse asks checking Aniya's monitors. "I was just telling her about the pregnancy," I say sheepishly looking down. "Ok, I understand how that might have been stress full but throughout her pregnancy, she shouldn't be exposed to any stress full situations," The nurse says sternly before leaving. "I-I'm sorry for freaking out," Aniya says with tears in her eyes.  

"Hey it's ok you had a right to freak out," I say soothingly giving her small kisses on her hand. I continue to fill her in on what happened over the past few weeks as Kai plays with her hair. I tell her about the risks for our soon-to-be baby and how Alana also found out she's pregnant while we were away. Also how Prez, Ace, and their old ladies decided to start trying for kids. "There are gonna be a lot of babies crawling around by the next year," Aniya says giggling. Yes, there will...

Aniya's POV (2 days later)

It's been 2 days since I was told I was pregnant. I got discharged yesterday and ever since we got back home it's been crazy. I can't believe that Alana and I's babies are only gonna be a few weeks apart in age. Emma and Dalia are finally gonna get their dreams to have families of their own. "Hey babe how are you feeling?" Drake asks as he enters our bedroom with some pancakes. "I'm feeling better but I still feel a bit nauseous," I say giving him a small smile.

 "That's good, I brought you the pancakes you asked for," He says sitting on the bed and setting down the plate in front of me. I was about to smile when I saw he forgot something. "Babe I asked for cottage cheese on top of the pancakes," I say starting to tear up. "W-What? I thought you were joking about that," he says in disbelief. "No, I wanted cottage cheese on my pancakes," I say letting my tears drop. "Hey, hey, no crying you know what I'll go get your cottage cheese," he says running out of the room. 

3rd person POV

After seeing Aniya crying over cottage cheese Drake knew this pregnancy was gonna be harder than he thought. "Do we have any cottage cheese???" Drake asks looking through the fridge and every cabinet ber can think of. Everyone looked at him as if he was crazy some laughed, while some just felt bad for the guy seeing his girl yell at him over cottage cheese. "Sorry brother but no one has ever asked for cottage cheese before," Rusty says chuckling at Drake. "Fuck," Drake cusses out slapping his forehead. "What does fwuck mean Daddy?" Little Kai asks from the door hearing his daddy say a new word. "That is a no-no word you should never say that word ever again," Drake says quickly picking the boy up and handing him to Emma. 

No one had ever seen Drake run faster to his bike than today. Drake drove to the closest grocer store and bought cottage cheese. He raced home as fast as possible where Aniya lay waiting for her boyfriend to return with her cottage cheese for her pancakes. Drake ran 2 lights and made it back to the compound in less than 10 minutes with cottage cheese. "Thank you, baby," Aniya says as Drake handed her the container of Cottage cheese. 

Drake watched in disgust as Aniya happily ate her pancakes with cottage cheese on top. "Your the best, when I was pregnant with Kai this is all I craved," she says scooping another piece into her mouth. "Your welcome my love I just want you to be comfortable and happy," Drake says giving her a kiss on her forehead not wanting the taste of cottage cheese and pancakes in his mouth... 

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