Chapter 24: Our Girl No Matter What

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10 weeks later (28 weeks pregnant/7 months)

Aniya's POV

Everything this week has been going wrong. I've been having these constant aches and pains that I had right before Kai was born. I've been on edge and snapping at everyone including Drake, I know he understands I'm on edge but it still doesn't stop me from feeling bad when I snap at him. "Hey, babe you ready to pump again?" Drake asks as he enters the bedroom. I've been on bed rest since my last appointment due to Dr. Ambrose predicting that ill be giving birth soon. "Yeah, can you help me?"  ask wincing at the pain in my lower back. "Sure, are you sure your ok babe?" He asks concerned. "I'm fine babe, I'm just gonna pump real quick then I'm going to bed," I say tiredly yawning. 

Drake helps attach the pump to my breast as I lean my back against the headboard. I didn't realize I fell asleep till I woke up with a pain in my abdomen. "B-Babe?" I call out quietly hitting drake who was asleep next to me. "Mhmm Yeah?" he asks confused, "B-Babe my stomach really h-hurts," I wince out quietly hoping that he heard me. "It's ok babe let me get Alana," Drake says concerned as he runs down the hall to get Alana. 

Soon after I left I felt liquid fall from in between my legs. "Please don't be blood, please don't be blood," I repeat horrified. I slowly lift up the blanket to just see what looks like water. "DRAKE MY WATER BROKE!" I yell out carefully getting out of bed. Drake comes running down the stairs with Alana. Alana helps me downstairs to Drakes's truck as he gets my hospital bag. "You and the bean will be just fine girly," Alana says soothingly as she helps me up into the passenger seat. 

"It's ok, babe you and our baby girl will be fine," Drake says soothingly rubbing a circle on my belly as I feel a strong kick from our baby. He's right our baby girl is strong and she will make it through whatever life throws at her. 

Time skip

"Help my girlfriend is in labor!" Drake yells while still holding onto me so I don't instantly fall over. "How far apart are the contractions?" A nurse asks while helping me onto a wheelchair. "A-about 5 minutes apart," I say wincing at another contraction. "Ok mommy, my name is Jackie, this is Randa, we will get you into a room and you can sign in at the front desk," Jackie says the last part to Drake as she starts to wheel me down a hall towards tho labor ward. "Ok, let me hook you up to the monitor so we can see yours and the little beans' heartbeat, how far along are you?" Jackie asks while Randa helps me tie the back of the hospital gown. "I'm only 7 m-months my p-pregnancy is high risk," I say tearing up at the thought of how this will end. 

"That's ok I've seen women come in here giving birth earlier and still having healthy babies," Randa says dapping the sweat off my forehead. "I'm here, I'm here!" Drake yells barging into the room with my hospital bag. "I see dad here is more nervous than you are," Randa whispers in my ear making me giggle. "Ok, there we go now we can see mommys' and babys' heartbeat," Jackie says pulling up the heart monitor screen. "Wow, that's a strong heartbeat!" Dr. Ambrose says from the doorway. "Dr. Ambrose you're here!" I say feeling a bit relieved. "Drake called and I practically was speeding here," She replies. 

"So, are we doing an epidural or no meds?" Randa asks. "No meds, I've been through childbirth without pain meds once I'm sure I can do it again," I say with a small smile. Drake looked a bit frightened by the answer and asked "Are you sure babe? You look like your in a lot of pain." He isn't wrong I'm in immense pain but an epidural can have side effects and I don't want to hurt my baby even more.  "I'm sure babe," I say as he leans down to kiss my forehead. "Ok, we will be back later to check on you, try to get some rest and dad try to make her as comfortable as possible, push this button if anything happens," Dr. Ambrose says as everyone bids their goodbyes and leaves. "Sleep sounds like a good idea, your gonna need it," Drake says rubbing my stomach softly trying to comfort me.

Drake's POV

Aniya is the strongest woman I have ever met, she's taking this pain like a champ but I can tell she wishes she took that epidural. About every 20 minutes a nurse would stop by and take her general vitals and check how much she was dilated. "Ok, mommy it's almost time to start pushing you at about 9.5 cm," Dr. Ambrose says putting on sterilized gloves. I could tell Aniya was getting nervous from the way she didn't reply. "It's ok baby, we will get through this together," I say holding her hand as the nurses set her up for her to start pushing. 

"Ok, Mommy on the next contraction we need you to push as hard as you can," Dr. Ambrose says as the nurses get stuff ready for the baby. Aniya nods and she starts pushing on her next contractions Dr. Ambrose tells her to stop and rest soon after each contraction. This went on for almost half an hour of watching my poor girl whimper in pain but not once letting a tear fall down her pretty face.  "Ok, mommy one more big push and she will be out," Dr. Ambrose says excitedly as Aniya forces one last big push. "There we go," Dr. Ambrose says catching our little girl in her hands. "W-why isn't she crying?" Aniya asks letting the tears finally fall. "Don't worry mommy she's fine but we need to run some tests she isn't responding to any noise in the room," Dr. Ambrose says quickly rushing our little girl out of the room. "G-go with her to make sure our baby is ok," Aniya says to me pushing me towards the door. 

I quickly follow after Dr. Ambrose expecting the worst. I could already tell our baby girl is deaf, it was highly likely and expected but it would still be a shock. "You can come in here," one of the nurses says as Dr. Ambrose wheels my baby into another room. "She's my daughter let me see her!" I yell out, anger overtaking my voice. "I'm sorry Mr. Stone but I can't do that," The nurse says quietly her gaze not meeting my eyes. I wait in the hall passing for what felt like hours waiting for someone to tell me something. "Mr. Stone?" Dr. Ambrose asks from the doorway motioning me into the room where they were holding my daughter practically hostage. "Due to your daughter being born prematurely it did cause hearing loss, but she is also lucky, all her organs are fully developed," Dr. Ambrose says sadly handing me, my beautiful baby girl. "How much percent?" I ask hoping she understands what I'm asking. "95% in the right ear and 90% in the right," Dr. Ambrose replies. "You can take her back to your girlfriend, ill send a nurse to help you with anything ya'll will need," Dr. Ambrose adds saying a small bye while I'm left alone with my daughter who is barely bigger than my biceps. 

"W-what did they say?" Aniya asks as she sees me enter the room with our baby girl. "She's almost 100% deaf but her organs are fully developed," I reply handing my beautiful girlfriend our equally if not more beautiful baby to her. "It doesn't matter if she has a disability she ours, and nothing could change that," Aniya says gently rocking our daughter while getting ready to feed her. "What should we name her?" Aniya asks, "How about Hadera Ramzia Stone?" I reply with a small smile. "It's perfect"...

The End

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