Chapter 12: Game Plan

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Aniya's POV

"In order for me to execute this plan I will need 2 other girls to help," I say looking Prez in the eyes. "Don't you have some friends who could help?" Ace says pulling up a chair. "I do, but my friends don't need that kind of stress right now, and they have some family issues they need to overcome before doing anything else," I say looking at my lap. "I could help," Emma says fidgeting with her finger. "I could too," Dalia says taking a sip of her juice. "Hell no!" Prez says instantly. "Why not babe we could help her," Emma says cupping her husband's face. "You both don't even know the first thing about stripping," Drake says with a confused face while pulling me into his lap.

As soon as Drake said that both girl's faces blushed a bright red. "I was a stripper when I was 18 up until I was 20," Dalia says looking at her feet. "I also used to strip for money on the weekends," Emma says still fidgeting with her finger. "What!!!" all the men in the bar said at the same time. "You never told me that," Prez says his mouth still agape staring at his wife in shock. "That's how I ended up where you found me, Don, I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Emma says hugging her husband. "We could help her I still have some old outfits I used to wear," Dalia says finally looking up from her shoes. "Fine but we will have a prospect watch your every moves," Prez says sternly.

We three just giggle and nod. "Once I'm healed we can start training, you both haven't danced for a while," I say smirking knowing they will be sore and tired when we start. "Where will we train for our little mission," Emma asks looking up from her fingers. "I have some portable poles at my apartment that I used to use," I could bring those here," I say starting to make a checklist for all the stuff we'll need. "That works I'll have a prospect get them," Prez says standing up. "In the meantime, we should start shopping," Dalia says pulling out her phone to look for lingerie stores. "I guess we should," I say getting up. "I'll send a prospect with you girls I have to do some work to do here," Drake says kissing my temple. Let's just say, when the guys see the girl's outfits they will wanna lock them in a tower forever...

Drake's POV (While the girls are shopping)

"I'm scared of what they will bring back," Rusty says finally talking. A chorus of 'me too's' and 'yes's' ring through the bar. "I just hope I at least get a show in the bedroom," Prez says in a whisper, which I still heard.

I go up to my room to see little Kai still sleeping in my bed. This kid may not be my blood but he's my son no matter what. I would be honored to be the dad of such an amazing little boy. "Hey, little man it's time to wake up," I say gently shaking him. "Nuu" he wines, wiping my hands away. "Come on little man I need your help drawing some new tattoo designs, I know you like to help me," I say picking him up. "I wanna help!," he yells out while standing on my lap putting his hands on my shoulders to stabilize him. "Ok buddy let's get you something to eat and then we can start," I say picking him up and walking him downstairs to get him some brunch.

Time Skip (When the girls get back from shopping)

I'm not too excited to see what my beautiful girl has picked out for OTHER men to see. "We're back!!!" I hear Aniya scream from downstairs. I quickly get up leaving a sleeping Kai in my bed for his afternoon nap. "Oh lord," I hear Prez say from the bar. As soon as I'm downstairs I'm net with three girls holding bags from many different lingerie places 'Lord save me' is all I think. "We got a lot of options for Club Cheetah, but also some for different occasions," Aniya says winking at us which makes me wanna see what she bought. "So ya'll gonna show us what you bought," Prez says looking at the girls with worry and slight curiosity. "Not yet, but when we start practicing for the mission then maybe we will give you a little preview of what we're doing," Emma says sitting in her husband's lap at the bar. "Don't worry babe you'll see some of these outfits soon," Aniya says winking at me.

"Let's just say that my outfits have a lot of chains and black," Aniya says smirking walking upstairs...

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