Chapter 23: The Appointment

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Drake's POV

Ever since we got to the OBGYN office Aniya's been on edge. From the start after her coma, the doctor said that her pregnancy was going to be high risk and that if the baby was born premature she had a higher chance of being blind or deaf. Aniya and I didn't care and we still don't we'll love our child no matter what happens. "It's ok baby, no matter what happens it will be ok, and think on the bright side we get to see the gender today," I say kissing her knuckles softly. "I'm just scared," she says chewing on her bottom lip and fiddling with her fingers anxiously.

"Aniya Keita?" The nurse calls for us from the double doors. Aniya gets up and I follow her as she walks into the hallway following the nurse. "Hello, your gonna be in the last room t the left," The nurse says leading us to the exam room. "So mommy how are we feeling today?" The nurse asks Aniya as she does her basic medical examination blood pressure, temperature, heartbeat, etc.  "I've been ok trying not to stress as much as possible," she says a bit anxiously. "That's good, are you excited to see the gender?" the nurse asks entering information into the computer. "I am but I'm sure my boyfriend is much more excited than me," she says playfully glaring at me. "Ok, Dr. Ambrose will be in with you shortly," The nurse says leaving the room. "Any guess on the gender?" I ask her trying to ease her nerves. "I still believe it's a boy," Aniya says confidently. "I'm team girl all the way," I say rubbing her belly receiving a kick from the little bean. "And I think she agrees," I reply smirking. 

"Hello Aniya, it's good to see you I hope all is well," Dr. Ambrose says while she sanitizes her hands and puts on latex gloves. "Everything I going well so far I just can only hope our baby is healthy," Aniya says rubbing her tummy. "I'm sure everything will be fine, why don't you lift your shirt up and get this party started," Dr. Ambrose says giddily knowing that I'm excited to see the gender of our bean. "Ok, let's see, their heartbeat is very strong for a high-risk pregnancy but that's good, oh look they're very active right now," Dr. Ambrose says noting her observations as she moves the machine around. "OK, are you ready to hear the gender?" Dr. Ambrose asks excitedly. Drake and I nod our heads nervously, "It's...A GIRL!" Dr. Ambrose yells out enthusiastically. 

"I KNEW IT!" Drake yells out popping up with the biggest smile on his face. Drake walks around for a good five minutes with his hands up, fist balled to the air like he just won the super bowl. I can't believe we are having a girl! "I'm so excited to have a daughter," I say rubbing my tummy lovingly...

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