Chapter 22: Break downs

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Drake's POV

"I see your still sentenced to the couch," Hacker points out, everyone else around the bar snickers while nursing their beers. "Aniya still refuses to let me sleep in our bed," I reply exasperated Alana giggles before saying "Maybe if you make her favorite food for her she'll forgive you." "I mean she is a sucker for food," Dalia agrees, taking a sip of her mimosa."Small problem...Reaper doesn't know how to cook anything above simple and Aniya's favorite food is Crown Roast of Lamb," Emma states handing me a beer as I sit at the bar. "Thank Emma for informing everyone of my inability to cook my womans favorite food," I say glaring at her causing Prez to hit the back of my head and glare at me.  "I'll try and make this crown roast thing, and ill most likely fail," I say getting up and getting the keys to my truck. "Where are you going?" Prez asks, "I'm going to the store to get some damn ingredients, it's the only hope I got to get out of the dog house!" I yell out as I head to my truck, here goes nothing...

Aniya's POV

Last night was horrible without Drake, Kai kept crying for him in the middle of the night and I could barely sleep. "Mommy I want daddy!" Kai continues to scream and cry as I just hold him close. "Daddy will be back soon hon, he went to the store to pick up some stuff," I say trying to rock him while I walk down the hall to the kitchen/bar. I set Kai down on the counter as I fix him something to eat. 

I finally finish making kai a sandwich and some apple sauce on the side. As I try feeding Kai some apple sauce he pushes away the spoon causing the apple sauce to splatter all over my shirt. "NO, I WANT DADDY!" Kai yells starting up his temper tantrum again. I'm too tired to even try calming him down. As Kai continued to scream and cry I started to cry to sinking to the ground where I placed Kai. As we both cry a prospect came into the kitchen and asked: "Hey hey are you ok?" I didn't answer but continued to sob on the floor in emotional pain and stress.

 Soon enough the prospect comes back with Prez, Hacker, and Alana"Hey it's ok you need to calm down stress isn't good for you or the little bean," Alana says softly as Prez and Hacker help me off the floor. "I can't take it anymore I-I am s-so tired...I-I miss D-drake and K-ai won't s-stop crying," I sob out, putting my hands on the counter to support me. Alana hugs me as I continue to cry "It's ok to let it all out, Prez can you call up Drake and Marcus take Kai outside and keep him busy," Alana says slowly leading me to her medical room. "Hey, ya know Drake misses you too he was planning on making you your favorite dish for dinner," Alana says helping me lay down on the medical cot. 

"R-really," I say quietly my voice quivering from crying. "Yes, he misses you both even if it's only been less than 24 hours," Alana says with a small smile. I try returning her gesture with a small tired smile. "I know you're tired so why don't you stay here and try and get some sleep I can tell you're exhausted," Alana says getting up and walking out the room. As she leaves my eyes slowly close as I drift into a deep sleep...

Drake's POV

As I finish at the check out my phone rings, I take out my phone and see that Prez is calling me.

Drake: Hello?

Prez: You need to get back to the compound, Aniya's finally hit her breaking point brother. 

Drake: What do you mean breaking point?

Prez: One of the prospects found her and Kai crying in the kitchen, I guess she gave up on calming Kai down. 

Drake: I'm on my way right now. 

I practically sprint to my car, throwing the items in the back seat and speeding off towards the compound. I jump out of the car and run inside to compound to see a screaming Kai in Hackers lap. "I can see why Aniya gave up on calming you down," He says bouncing Kai on his knee. "Hey, buddy what's wrong?" I asked walking up to them to two and picking up Kai. "D-daddy why y-you leave?" Little Kai asks calming down his sobs. "I didn't leave buddy I just went to get some groceries," I say rocking him and rubbing his back. 

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