Chapter 1 - Tasty Poison Bar

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"Akaashi Pleeeaaasseeee!!! I need the job! I need to feed both me and my brother pleeeaassee." Atsumu begged to Akaashi while the latter just stared trying to ignore begging of Atsumu. They we're at a Café right now and Atsumu was begging Akaashi to let him work at the Bar that Bokuto owns.

Akaashi knows it's dangerous and he knows that Atsumu knew of this too but Atsumu didn't seemed to care and even seemed desperate about it.

Atsumu is an Omega like Akaashi and he wanted to work in the same bar that Akaashi works at. Even though Omega's aren't allowed at the bar since it's a Bar for Alpha's and Omega's are considered weakest and the best targets for rape and more. Akaashi is still able to work there even though it's dangerous because he is Bokuto Kotarou's Boyfriend.

"Atsumu, you know it's dangerous." Akaashi says. He was actually warning Atsumu.

"I know! But my sister is starting to starve and i lost my job at the Café. Pleeeaasseee!!! I promise I'll behave and be a good Omega! I'll do anything you want! Anything! You can even take my life if you want!! As long as i get to feed my sister pleeaaseee Akaashi!!!." Atsumu was now so close to begging on his knees. And if Akaashi asks for him, he will gladly get on his knees and beg.

He can't bare the thought of His younger sister Ailee's stomach growling at night any longer. Ailee says she's fine and that she's not hungry but Atsumu knows that Ailee who is a Huge Foodie easily gets hungry.

His Younger Sister Ailee is the only Family she's left and unfortunately they're both Omega's and Ailee is only 6 years old and is still Studying. But with Atsumu's Job at the Café where he made barely enough money to support both of them gone, he doesn't even know if Ailee can still continue Studying or if they'll even still have a roof over their head. He need this job at all cost!.

Akaashi closed his eyes and sighed deeply. He knows that he's going to regret his decision. But he can't bare the thought of leaving his old Volleyball Friend alone in the dumps and hungry when he knows he can do something to prevent it.

"Alright.. I'll ask Kou about it, but please!! Atsumu!! Pleeeaasseee listen to whatever i say okay! And always stay out of trouble you hear?!." Akaashi says.

Atsumu Jumps in joy with a Yes and Happily hugs Akaashi to the point of almost crushing him out of happiness.

"Thank you Akaashi!!n thank you!! Thank youu!! So so soo muchh!!! You don't know how much this means to me!!."

"Alright! Alright! I get it. So enough Already!." Akaashi says having trouble breathing but still being able to chuckle at Atsumu.

That's right. Akaashi can help Atsumu and he will do so!. He'll be the big brother Atsumu needs in times like this!.

Akaashi then talked to Atsumu about the rules, regulations, and a loottt more other stuff that he should be wary off.

Soon enough they arrived at the Bar that Bokuto owns. The bar was located at a secret street that only a few knows. It's an extremely luxury, high and private bar that only hosts The Richest of the Rich in all of Tokyo.

They were able to enter immediately because the bouncer at the entrance already knew who Akaashi was and the bouncer was told that Atsumu was a Akaashi's friend.

As soon as they enter Atsumu almost fainted, vomited and broke down at the intense smell of Alpha Pheromones that was all over the air. It was so thick and clogged Atsumu's airway. Akaashi noticed and immediately putted on a spare collar he always carried on Atsumu.

As soon as the collar was on him he felt himself reach consciousness again and grabbed onto Akaashi.

This truly was Dangerous. And Atsumu doesn't know if he can last but for Ailee he'll do it!.

Akaashi wasted no time and immediately went towards Bokuto's Office at the Third Floor and opened it without knocking.

"aaahhh!!!." He heard some girly like screams when he entered.

He saw Kuroo sitting in front of Bokuto on the Black Leather couches.

The two immediately shuts up and confusedly looks at Akaashi who was sitting atsumu down a near sofa.

"Agggaasshhhee!!!." Bokuto shouts as he got up from the leather couch. With kuroo following around.

"What happened?." Kuroo asks Akaashi, worriedly looking at Atsumu who was now drinking water from a water bottle that Bokuto gave him while Akaashi was fanning him.

"Atsumu wants to work here. But-." Akaashi wasn't able to finish his sentence when someone interrupted.

"But when he entered the bar he immediately went like that. It's a normal omega reaction. After all Omega's are weak to Alpha Pheromones and this place happens to be full of Alpha Pheromones." A tired, slow and a bit of deep voice said, finishing Akaashi's sentence.

"Kenma!!!." Kuroo shouts Happily upon seeing kenma up from couch from playing games and walking towards them.

"Kuroo, please shut up. You're too loud." Kenma tiredly says and Kuroo just laughs.

"Wait.. what?! Atsumu wants to work here?! How can he even think of that when he can't even last 1 second upon smelling this place!." Bokuto shouts. Clearly worried about their Omega Friend.

"But Bokuto-san. You know Atsumu's situation. We all do and I can't just stand by seeing him go downhill and even go the wrong direction when i know i can do something." Akaashi says.

"Right. We all know that Tsumu wouldn't want to work here if had a choice. I bet he's doing this for Ailee." Kuroo seconds and Kenma just nods in agreement sitting beside Atsumu on the Leather couch and slumping.

"Kenma, straighten your body! You'll get backaches and your spine might permanently slump! You'll be a hunchback then!." Kenma just groans at Kuroo's word and tiredly tries to sit straight.

He also didn't want to be a hunchback. Even though he liked the character of Quasimodo from 'The Hunchback of Notradame' movie.

"Plus. We all know what happened when his Twin brother left them all alone." Akaashi whispers to Bokuto and Bokuto suddenly remembered the day Atsumu came to them crying about loosing his spot on the Volleyball Team he was in when he was in college, he remembered Atsumu crying his heart out about how it was the only thing that was supporting him and his younger sister Ailee along with their mother who became a drunkard.

He remembered how Atsumu lost all hope and life in his Eyes upon hearing that it was because Omega's can't openly play Volleyball or any intense sport anymore because it can cause them to release pheromones that can attract Alpha's, bokuto remembers how Atsumu forced Himself to regain back his strength and worked day and night for his younger sister and mother. He remembered how Atsumu became the Alpha of their home after the real Alpha's left.

Bokuto closes his eyes and sighs. He knows that he'll regret his decision but he can't stand seeing Atsumu, the guy who used to be all fun, quirky and smiles and laughs result to a whole new person.

"Fine." Bokuto agrees and Atsumu who was now okay jumps from joy.

"BUT!. If anything goes wrong. He goes. I don't want Atsumu getting caught up in anything in the bar. You all already know what types of people come to this bar. We can't have him getting tangled up with any of them." Atsunu nervouslu sweats but Agrees.

He knows. He knows that this Bar that Bokuto Owns isn't just any bar. It's a bar for the Mafia's, businessman, and Gangsters. People who do illegal stuff for money. It is after all named Tasty Poison Bar.

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