Chapter 9 - Being Watched

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The Tasty Poison
12:00 am.

It has been almost 2 weeks since Atsumu danced and entertained at the Triple V area. His life had gone back to normal as a waiter at The Tasty Poison but there had been a few changes that he noticed.

Atsumu can't help but notice stares he gets from Random directions in the club bar, and he can't help but get shivers down his spine when he feels a glare being sent to him whenever he sits with some costumers, laugh with them, smile with and pour them drinks and more.

Akaashi of course noticed how Atsumu had been a bit down and slow on the job since the Triple V.

"Are you okay Atsumu?." Akaashi asks visibly worried.

Atsumu snaps out of his thoughts and smiles weakly at Akaashi, trying to look like everything was alright even though he wasn't.

"Of course. Everything's fine Akaashi." Atsumu said with a weak smile. And Akaashi didn't say anything about it. His lips just closed to a thin line.

"Alright, if you say so. But if there is ever any trouble then you know where and how to find me." Akaashi says and Atsumu nods before taking the tray full of alcohols.

The night went by with Akaashi watching and looking over Atsumu from time to time as he does his job while kenma just does his job like he always does but sometimes slacking off.

The next week at The Tasty Poison•

Atsumu is now dead tired even though it's still early. His work just started 1 hour ago and he already wants to sleep.

Atsumu was dead tired from the lack of sleep. He stayed all night watching over Ailee, afraid that the person following him was going to barge into their house and hurt poor Ailee. This time Atsumu wasn't paranoid. He was now sure that he's being followed until now and it scares him because Ailee and Mrs. Emi might be put to danger because of this and he doesn't want that.

3 weeks. 3 fucking weeks!! Atsumu now even feels like he can't even last another week in the club bar with how everything's going on.

The place feels normal as usual with the place being crowded with nothing but alphas working with illegal stuff drinking,  and a few male and female Omegas here and there serving, sitting, enjoying, laughing and of course Dancing at the pole at the pole dancing stage. And of course Atsumu can never forget the stink of pheromones all over the place.

"Atsumu, you okay? You don't look very good."

"Yeah, I'm fine Kita-san." He says turning around to see a white haired with black tips male. Kita, a friend and colleague of Akaashi who also works at the bar on the drinks with him.

Akaashi introduced Kita to him a few weeks ago after Kita got a promotion to be at the bar to work on drinks with Akaashi from being in the stock room to clean up.

Kita doesn't look pleased by his answer so he pulls Atsumu by the hands towards the bar station and fixes him a quick juice.

"It's a juice with some alcohol for the energy boost." Kita winks at him and Atsumu can't help but smile, laugh and fall for Kita.

Akaashi was watching all of this happen and he can't help but be happy for Atsumu. He thinks that maybe Atsumu and Kita can be together.

Atsumu and Kita looks cute together so Akaashi can't help but smile, plus Kita gets plus points from him for caring for Atsumu.

Though he can't help but become suspicious of Kita sometimes since he doesn't know Kita. He only got to know Kita when Bokuto said that there was someone he was going to put on the same stand as Akaashi in the drinks.

And since Bokuto never fully introduced kita to him and never told anything about him other than to watch Kita, he can't help but become suspicious of it all.

Bokuto has never hid anything from Akaashi. Never and that's what makes everything suspicious.

"Atsumu, you're booked to be at the Triple V again tomorrow."

Atsumu's shoulder falls and slumps more at the counter.

Just hearing the Triple V name gives him a headache. He told himself that he didn't want to get involved with anyone that'll use the Triple V but that doesn't he can't go there.

Kita notices what Atsumu felt about the Triple V and lift up his hands to ruffle the fake blond's hair. He ruffled Atsumu's hair until he felt daggers of stare bring burning a hole onto his back so he pulled his hands back making Atsumu chase after his touch.

And this time Kita felt Shivers down his spine. He felt like there was now a red dot on the back of his head making him turn around to see what it was.

And there he saw, a table from a far away corner at the second floor where those who sat there can hide but see everything in their vision. Kita felt his whole body grow cold as he felt like he stared at someone forbidden to be stared at so he took his gaze off scared and pretended not to see anything.

Kita also felt something off with the stare. He didn't feel like it was being directed at him first.

He looked down at the counter to see Atsumu snuggling at his hand, trying to look for comfort and then realization hit him.

'So this is why he seems off this past few days?. Because he's being watched?.'


So who do you guys think is watching and following Atsumu? Any guess?🤔.

I'd like to read your guesses, so please leave a comment, vote and if possible add this book to your library and reading list?

Byyeee!!! See you guys next chapter!!<3

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