Chapter 3 - Work

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Tasty Poison Bar
10:00 pm.

Atsumu was now at the changing room of the bar. After injecting his injections to himself he was now trying to wear his maid outfit. He sighed when at last he was finally able to zip up his costume. After putting on his Collar disguised as a chocker and checking Himself in the mirror one last time, he goes out of the changing room and meets up with Akaashi and kenma outside.

They walked around the bar with Akaashi explaining most of the things in the bar to Both Kenma and Atsumu.

"So Kenma's gonna be working here as well?." Atsumu finally asks after pondering and being quiet.

Both Kenma and Akaashi nods. "Yeah. Bokuto-san told me that it was the reason why Kuroo-san was talking to him. Apparently Kuroo-san wants Kenma to get more exercise, do more things actively and be able to move around and this is what he thought of that would also keep him safe since we'll br keeping an eye on him."

"Ahhhh, I see." Atsumu nods in understanding.

The three continue to walk aroun the Bar while Akaashi continues to explain things. Of course they get cat called and whistled at and even being smacked in the ass as well making the three angry but of course they can't do anything about it since they're at a bar and things like those are normal at bars.

After about an Hour of touring the bar with Akaashi explaining everything. they were done touring and now they are being told what they would be doing around the bar.

Both Atsumu and Kenma are gonna be waiters, taking the costumers orders and bringing them to them as well. Because A waiter is paid a big amount of money and Atsumu needs money, while Kenma needs to move around and a waiter never stays in one place. While Akaashi will be the one Making and Serving the Drinks. This was so he could keep and eye on the two.

Atsumu looked at his watch. 11:00pm. It was now really late. Normally he wouldn't even be out this late. And at a bar at that. Because he has a little sister waiting for him. Good thing he already explained things to her. And Ailee will be sleeping with the old lady Mrs. Emi every night from now one. Good thing The old lady was okay with it. Actually the old lady was more than delightful, she was very happy because she'll be able to take care of Ailee more.

Soon enough. All three of Kenma, Atsumu and Akaashi were now getting the hang of their new jobs. Akaashi wasn't new at the bar, but he had to switch his job inside the bar from pole dancing to being the Drinks maker and server so he could keep an eye on the two and be able to help in case of trouble.

When Atsumu went to the drinks counter to get give and get the orders. He sat down on one of the stools for a bit. Trying to sneak in a little rest.

Atsumu knew that working in a bar would be tiring but he was never told it would be this tiring. He looked at his watch again and sighed. It's only been 30 minutes since he actually started working and he's already dead tired. His job at the Café before was a waiter and and a barista. He made some of the drinks but most of the time he was a waiter. He was a waiter before but he was never this tired. But he does get the difference between the two.

The Café he used to worked at Opened 24 hours and only got really busy during some times. Like rush hour in the morning where lots of people come in the Café to get breakfast and morning coffee on the way and of course sometimes during the night and when there is a concert being held near since it was a bit near the stadium. The Café was always packed during concerts.

And a bar is always busy. And even at none busy busy times. Workers will still be busy with the costumers. plus a bar is where a lot of people go to celebrate things. Not to mention that a bar was never opened during the day and only during the night till early morning. So of course party goers will be partying and drinking and Celebrating things all night. Even if bars were only open for the whole night, it's still packed.

"Atsumu. Will Ailee be okay?. With you gone and all?" Atsumu gets out of his thoughts and sees Akaashi behind the counter in front of him making and mixing the drinks he's going to serve. He nods.

"Yeah. The old Lady near our house Mrs. Emi is going to be taking care of her from now on while I'm at work. Mrs. Emi was Delighted that she gets to spend mote time with Ailee. And Ailee was also happy with the set up. She's basically used to it already." Atsumu explains and Akaashi nods.

"I see. I'm glad things are okay with Ailee. You know. You two can always come live with me and Kou."

Atsumu's eyes widened at what Akaashi said and shakes his head no immediately.

"No! Akaashi, there's no need. We're already okay with our set up. Ailee is having fun being at Mrs. Emi's and I'm already in debt to you guys for letting me work here. The last thing I'd want is to abuse your kindness." Atsumu says.

Akaashi giggles at that and Atsumu is confused. "Actually, Kou is very worried about you and Ailee. Specially Ailee. He's afraid that something bad might happen to Ailee while your gone so he told me to ask you guys to come live with us. you see Atsumu. Kou hasn't said anything yet but i know he's been wanting a child for a while now."


"Hmm. I can feel it since he's my mate. Plus i don't know if he's just dumb or dropping some hints but, i sometimes see him looking at baby names and things related babies, Like clothes, shoes, bottle, cradles and more."

"Then, why don't you ask him about it? You know, confirm it with him."

Akaashi sighs and shakes his head lightly. "Nahh, I'm sure he's just jealous because some of his business partners have recently been announcing their coming bundle of joy. And i know he just wants to join in on the announcement as well, you know how he is. He doesn't like getting left out things."

Atsumu nods in understanding and then takes the drinks and serves them to the costumers with a thought in mind.

Atsumu pauses for a second and places his hand on his stomach.

Atsumu can't deny that he also wants to get pregnant. But he can't, not yet. He's still busy caring for Ailee and trying to get her out of the Slums of Tokyo. He has to put his own needs and wants second and Ailee and her wants and needs too priority. Plus. He's not even mated yet so it's impossible. (Unless he gets rape. Which he doesn't want to happen.)

Atsumu continues to take and serve orders the whole night. Getting more and more tired as time passes by.

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