Chapter 15

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@Sakusa Kiyoomi's House.
The Kitchen.


A Red-headed Chef with spiky hair turns around when Oikawa calls out the name.

The guy had a very sharp and small eyes but despite it being small, he was wide-eyed. His red hair was spiking upwards that Atsumu didn't knew how that was able to hold up being that high. Then he remember Bokuto..

'maybe they buy the same brand of hair spray and hair gel?.'

Atsumu shrugged and continued looking at the guys called Tendou. He was really pale, almost as pale as paper. The guy also had a cat-like dorky smile on his face while holding a wooden spoon and a metal bowl. (^ω^).

And he was very tall, like tall. Maybe a 6footer? Overall, that Tendou guy looked like a very mischievous guy, much lile Oikawa.


Atsumu snapped out of his thoughts when Oikawa snapped his fingers in front of him.


Oikawa sighed and shook his head. "So you really weren't listening."

Oikawa put his hand on his hip and sighed once more before motioning to him.

"This is Miya Atsumu and he's staying here for a while under Sakusa's orders." Oikawa said and Atsumu didn't know what to feel about it.

He didn't say a few days and he surely didn't say when he'll leave... So does that mean he'll be there for much longer? But, for how long? What about Ailee and Mrs. Emi?! Are they safe? When will he see them again? Can he contact them? But how?.

He has so many questions flooding his mind that he started to feel a bit dizzy and stagger a bit. Oikawa held his arms to keep him from falling until he steadied himself.

"I-i'm o-ok now." Atsumu slowly says and Tendou shakes his head in disagreement.

"I Disagree! You look really thin, you clearly need to eat something! You guys sit on the chair over the table over there while i fix you up a quick and healthy meal." Tendou says and he couldn't do anything when Oikawa almost dragged him to the table and chairs tendou pointed when he didn't move from his spot.

They waited there for a good few minutes before Tendou gave them both each a bowl of chicken broth soup.

Atsumu's stomach grumbled upon smelling the delicious savor of the food right in front of him. And Tendou laughed a bit grinning like the chesire cat.

"Well don't get so full after that soup, you still have to a few more dishes. You need to eat a full course meal you know? And that soup is just the appetizer." Tendou says and when he sees Atsumu's eyes sparkle like that of a little kid who had just been given the toy he always wanted at the toy store, Tendou felt proud.

'Looks like Tendou-san will be going all out this time' oikawa says in his mind and sighs a bit.

But he was happy that at least Tendou got back on the right cooking track. It's actually been a while since he saw tendou proud and so ready to cook to feed someone real food.

Atsumu was so happy with the food he's been given, so much so that he didn't even realize that Tendou and Oikawa were only looking at him and watching him eat with smiles on their faces.

The three were also talking about a lot things in their life, and Atsumu would also say something from time to time as he was too busy eating, but the two didn't mind.

"So you already had your first time Tendou-san?! How come i never knew that?!!!." Oikawa almost shouted when he found out that Tendou already had his first time.

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