Chapter 13

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Sakusa Kiyoomi's House.
3:00 am.

"My House."

Atsumu's jaw almost literally drop as he looks at Sakusa's back from where he was standing. He wanted to look around but then Sakusa called for him.

"Miya, let's go." Sakusa said as he just stood there waiting for Atsumu.

Atsumu flinched a little and rubbed his neck a bit before jogging towards Sakusa. Then the both of them walk towards the inside.

Atsumu was shocked to see that before they could reach the entrance, there is a garden. Yes! A literal garden in the front with a fountain in the middle that they had to go through before they could reach the mansion.

Atsumu's eyes was just sooo wide as he looked at everything in awe. He wanted to explore but forced Himself not to, he doesn't have permission and just as he promised Semi and Shirabu, he will do everything that he can to not get involved with anyone dangerous any further. And it so happens that Sakusa Kiyoomi Screams Danger.

Once they were both inside the mansion, Atsumu was just about to ask Sakusa something when he heard a shout.


The loud shout echoed all over the house. Sakusa flinched a bit and then sighed heavily as they both hear the Heavy footsteps that went down the stairs.

And at last, The person who shouted loudly is now at the bottom of the stairs looking very excited as he jogs towards Sakusa with a wide smile but then slows down when he finally sees Atsumu who was hiding behind Sakusa.

The guy looks at him up and down.

"Who's that?."

'Rude much.'

Atsumu didn't realize he had a scowl on his face until another loud person Running down the stairs with footsteps heavier than The person in front of them.

"Oikawa!!!!!." He shouts loudly and then pulls the so called Oikawa by the ear making the later whine in pain.

"Ouucchh!! Iwa-chan! That hurts you know!." Oikawa shouts at the person who pulled his ears once he got away.

"Shut up!!! You know Sakusa hates it when you try and touch him every single time!! So stop doing it for goodness sake!!."

Oikawa pouts and looks away, his arms crossed on his chest. "Hmmp!! Is it that wrong to welcome the guy who saved our asses home?!."

And the two bicker back and fourth with Oikawa being sassy more than ever.

"Stop it you two! Can't you both see there's another person here?." Sakusa sighs as he tries to stop the two from arguing any further.

The two stops arguing and looks at Atsumu then at Sakusa with a dumbfounded look on their faces. And Oikawa acting like he didn't see Atsumu earlier and asked who he was in a rude way.

It seems like Atsumu's outfit and whole get up finally registered.

"Sakusa are you crazy?!." The hedgehog looking guy shouts so loud that Atsumu flinched.

Atsumu was afraid of loud shouts because of his father who shouted at him nonstop everyday back then.

"I'll explain later. Just get on with the introductions already so this guy can sleep." Sakusa says sternly.

"O-oh, right. I'm Iwaizumi Hajime nice to meet you." The hedgehog looking guy said and offered a hand which he accepted after hesitating for a bit.

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