Chapter 10 - Start of Trouble

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Credits to the rightful owner of the Photo!!!


Atsumu only had to follow a rules given to him by Bokuto and his other friends.

#1. Always Wear the Collar disguised as a choker to not faint from the overwhelming smell of pheromones in the club.

#2. Always take his medicines and shots to not get into heat.

#3. Never ever get involve in the Mafia, Yakuza, Gangsters and other illegal stuff.

#4. Whatever he hears inside the club, specially the VIP rooms stays there. Keep mouth shut about the conversations, whispers and everything will be alright.

#5. Stay away from Forming troubles.

#6. Never break the rules.

#7. Try not to get the attention of the bad vibes costumers specially the VIP Costumers, they're bad news.

#8. Read everything from #1 to #7 again and follow them.

The rules were easy to Follow and if followed while he works at The Tasty Poison, he'll be guaranteed a great and peaceful. Atsumu wouldn't even have problems following them. Except for the fact there was 1 rule that was hard to follow.

Rule. Number 7 was hard to follow. Especially when he locked eyes with a Pure Breed Alpha. And once a rule is broken, the rest of the rules also gets broken and all hell gets loose.

Atsumu was doing his best in not getting involve in anything related to the Mafia's, Yakuza's and Gangsters and anything that had Illegal written on it. But of course, some rules, even though simple are hard to follow through.

So what happens when you don't Follow rules that aren't supposed to be broken?.

Well, you get the consequence and Atsumu's consequence was that, He is now on the shoulders of a Pure Breed Alpha that he locked eyes with days ago and running around the whole bar with them being the targets for the hungry bullets being fired.

What happened you ask? Well....

The next day after Atsumu was told that he had to be at the Triple V again, he mentally prepared himself for it and the possible troubles that come with being at the triple V.

When he walked inside, he bowed and was pulled onto the lap of an Alpha whose smell felt familiar. He dared to look up and froze at sight of a Greek God like handsome Alpha with curly hair and two moles of his Right eyebrow.

'Sakusa Kiyoomi!!!.'

Sakusa Kiyoomi also looked at atsumu and leaned down to his ear level to whisper.

"Some alpha's from the Mafia are gonna be here tonight and their nasty, i want you to pretend to be my B*tch in this place so I can throw them off and find out something, you hear?."

Atsumu silently and nervously nods. He understands what Sakusa wants him to do but he doesn't know what him pretending to be Sakusa Kiyoomi's B*tch is gonna do. And does Sakusa Kiyoomi have a plan?.

Atsumu then was tasked to stay on Sakusa Kiyoomi's lap feeling nervous. Until he felt Shivers down his spine when the door finally opened. He looked up to see Sakusa Kiyoomi looking blankly at the door that had just opened. He sighed and lets his inner foxy side take control for the night.

 He sighed and lets his inner foxy side take control for the night

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