Chapter 12.

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Everyone inside Bokuto's office looked at Each other after hearing the loud sound from downstairs.

Bokuto hurried to Akaashi's side and so did Kuroo to Kenma's. The two alpha's stood at a protective stance alongside their Mates, ready to protect them from any harm that may come.

He bit his bottom lip and looked down. Atsumu couldn't help the negative feeling of Jealousy that made it's way to him.

'Lucky them.'

Atsumu knew that Akaashi and Kenma were both lucky to have Their Alpha Mates beside them, always ready to protect them from any harm that may come. While there he was. Standing alone with no one to protect him.

He couldn't help but sometimes hate being born an Omega, because apart from making him weaker that the rest of the population, omegas were in no secret definitely overpowered by alphas and betas, and they also received less opportunities unless they had the connection and money.

And unfortunately fo Atsumu, he was born an Omega without both the connection and money on his side.


Atsumu flinched on his spot and looked up. He was shocked to see everyone looking at him worriedly, except for Sakusa who had a blank look on his face while looking at him.


Bokuto sighed. Clearly not satisfied with him not listening.

"As i was saying. I will go and protect Akaashi along with the rest of the staff and make sure everything's a bit okay at least, Kuroo will go with Kenma and help me protect the staffs. And you. Miya Atsumu, will go with Sakusa. Got it?."

Atsumu's eyes widened in shock at what Bokuto just said. Him?! With Sakusa?! The Sakusa Kiyoomi?!. No way!!!.

"B-but bo---."

"No buts. Atsumu, you don't have a mate yet, and I'm pretty sure the alpha's in this place won't be able protect you that much unless they make you their mate. Hell! They might even sacrifice you to the attackers for their own sake. I know Sakusa, he'll be able to protect you, no doubt about it so just trust me." Bokuto interrupted Atsumu.


Bokuto walked over to atsumu and put both his hands on Atsumu's shoulder and looked at him seriously in the eye. "We'll take care of everything here. So don't worry. We already have a lot on our plate because of this suddenly early attack. So we might not be able to protect you."

"If you're worried about Ailee. Don't worry, I'll get Lev and Yaku to take Ailee and Mrs. Emi to a safe place so don't worry." Kuroo said, still standing beside Kenma.

Atsumu looked at Akaashi, kenma, Bokuto and Kuroo and sighed before nodding his head. "Okay, I'll go with him. But please make sure Ailee and mrs. Emi is safe, Don't ever let them go hungry or get hurt. Please."

Kuroo gave him a smile and a thumbs up. Atsumu didn't know what to feel. He had a feeling that he won't just be escaping with Sakusa. He feels like he's gonna be staying with him for a long time.

And he wanted to cry because he knows that it'll be a long time before He gets to see Ailee and Mrs. Emi.

Atsumu already Lost everything, the only thing he had left was Ailee and Mrs. Emi. If he lost both of them because of being involved with shady and dangerous people, he know he wouldn't be able to take it.

Atsumu, with teary eyes. Looked at Them and smiled before going to Akaashi, Bokuto, Kuroo and Kenma and hugging each one of them.

'i hope this isn't goodbye.'

"Thank you.. for everything."


Atsumu flinched and the three Alpha's got into protective mode.

The three nodded at each other before carrying their perspective omega making them yelp in surprise and running off to different directions with their omegas on their shoulders and gun in one hand.

Once Atsumu and Sakusa got out of the office. Sakusa was quick to dodge a bullet that aimed for them so it hit a wall instead.

Atsumu flinched almost everytime Sakusa fired the gun on his hand at the enemy's direction. It had a bit of an impact on Atsumu since he was slumped on Sakusa's shoulder.

"Stop flinching every f*cki'n damn time Miya or you'll fall." Sakusa said after Atsumu flinched again when he fired another shot at someone near them.

"S-sorry, I'm just a bit s-sensitive." Atsumu said as he tried not to flinch again.

Sakusa didn't say anything and just decided on getting out alive.

He loaded his gun everytime he almost run out. He doesn't want to risk running out of bullets in the middle of a battle wherr bullets are essential.

By the time Sakusa finished loading his gun for the 3rd time. They were already downstairs.

They were now running away from the hungry bullets that were chasing them. While Sakusa also fighted back.

Atsumu looked aroung the whole area and saw expensive couches, tables, decorations and alcohol all broken with traises of bullets and blood on them making him quiver a bit.

He didn't like seeing blood that much. It made him scared because of the trauma he had with them.

So he just closed his eyes instead and prayed for everything to be over already. He was tired both mentally and physically already...

And then they finally got to the parking lot where Sakusa drop him on the passenger seat and hurriedly went to the driver's seat and stepped on the gas after booming the car to life.

Just as when he was about to breath a sigh of relief thinking that they were finally safe, Atsumu once again flinched when he heard a couple of bullets being fired at them. He ducked and got scared thinking that the car's glasses would break.

"Don't worry, This car's fully bullet proof." Sakusa said as he tried to both Fire his gun at the enemy chasing them from behind while trying to not get them into a car crash.

They were on the highway and Atsumu could hear the honks and scritching of different car from almost every direction. They were going at full speed and he was afraid of getting into a car crash. He doesn't want to die. He's afraid of dying.

And After what seemed like hours. Everything finally quieted down. Sakusa successfully lost and took down the cars tailing them and they were now on the path of a private mountain.

After about 20 more minutes of driving. They finally reached their destination.

Sakusa stopped the car in front of a huge Mansion and got off. Atsumu also followed along.

When he got off the car he saw Sakusa standing in the middle of two long rows of men in black suits, all of them bowing 90° at sakusa.

Atsumu was shocked and in aww of what he's seeing.

"H-hey. W-where are we?." He couldn't help but ask even though he already knew the answer, he still wanted confirmation.

Sakusa stopped walking and looked back at him and smirked.

"My house."

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