Chapter 11

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The pleasure that Atsumu was feeling being on Sakusa's lap lasted short when just as Sakusa was about to answer Daishou, a phone rang.

One of Sakusa's hands stopped hand feeding atsumu and he dusted his hands first before reaching towards his pockets to fish out his phone.

Sakusa then abruptly told Atsumu to get off of him and then proceeded to answer his ringing phone.

Atsumu just watched Sakusa from his Seat and was about to eat another cherry when he flinched and drop it from being surprised from Sakusa's sudden Shouting.

"F*cking Hell!!! Stop f*cking playing with me!!! This thing isn't even a f*cking game like you think it is!!! I need that mother f*cker in the basement right this instant you hear!!!!."

Atsumu just watched from his seat, bewildered at Sakusa's extremely loud shouting that made even the mumbling of Daishou earlier be put to a stop and get the guy to cover his ears.

Atsumu wasn't sure what the heck was going on but it looked like something serious. Seeing -and hearing- as Sakusa said something about a Basement and seeing Sakusa very red from anger.

Though he can't deny the curiosity building up within him. He knows that it's practically illegal to be curious about what was happening with Sakusa because it'll just bring him more trouble than he could imagine, but you know what they say, Curiosity kills the cat and unfortunately in this case, he's the cat.

Atsumu's train of thoughts gets disturbed when a waiter suddenly opens the room's door with a happy face about to say something when-


'he's dead'

Atsumu stares in wonder and shock as he sees a dead person lying just in front of the front door. The guy's face even had a surprised expression and his eyes and mouth were still wide open as blood drip from the middle of his forehead.

Sakusa just shot the waiter without even looking at him as he was too busy talking at the phone.

All color from Atsumu's face drains and he goes paper pale. He scaredly looks around at his other peers to see their reaction and almost all of the female omegas were just continuing their own business after the shot. Its was like they never saw anything at all. That's crazy!.

Atsumu couldn't believe his eyes as he saw that no one except for him was shaking in fear due to what happened.

Sure! Atsumu is tough but he can't handle these kinds of things. And since he doesn't want to die yet so suddenly.

Despite the vomit trying to crawl it's way up from his stomach, Atsumu grabs a glass filled juice and chugs it down and he tries to act normal by pouring the other Alpha inside the room some drinks.

'im too pretty to die is what he would probably say right now.' 

Atsumu lightly chuckled at the thought of his friend who always has sass.

"Look, just do as i f*cking say or you'll be the next one inside that basement." Sakusa ends the conversation with a cold tone in his voice and then turn to Atsumu who flinched right before forcing a smile.

Sakusa ignores it and just walks back towards his seat and Atsumu climbs on his lap again, trying to forget the dead man still lying on the cold hard floor just right in front of the door.

A few minutes later someone knocks on the door and 2 people come inside with cleaning supplies and a body bag.

It was Semi and Shirabu.. since the mixed club and bar was always full of Alpha's and people from the mafia, yakuza and gangs. There were bound to be fights everywhere and dead body's, so Bokuto decided to hire people that would clean up the mess and dispose the dead bodies.

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