Chapter 8 - Pure Breed Alpha and Rumours

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The Tasty Poison Club Bar
Locker and lounge.
3:00 am.

Atsumu Opened the door to their Locker and Lounge and flopped on one of the three leather couches with a thud.

He didn't even notice Kenma on the of the other leather couches jump up from him entering.

"Ahhh! Atsumu! Look at what you did! I lost my game because of you! Ugghhhh." Kenma was devastated from loosing at his game. He glared at Atsumu who couldn't see him until he was satisfied.

"Now i have to start my game all of over again.. great, just great.." he says the last part with sarcasm.

Even though Kenma loves games and is a Gamer. Like other Gamers like himself One of the things he hates about games is Loosing. Kenma hates the thought of loosing and starting over again.

Kenma feels like a looser Everytime he looses so he rarely looses at his games.

"I feel so tiiirreeddd." Atsumu groans inaudibly at the leather couch.

His skin felt tight and red because of the pole dancing he did and for some reason, he feels heat coming from the inside of his body even though it isn't his heat yet. Plus, he's heart keeps on racing fast since locking eyes with the Alpha from earlier mamy times.

It's already his break time and the VVVIP room he was in earlier isn't done with their talk yet and he doesn't have anymore energy after pole dancing earlier, he feels drained and dead tired so he requested to have his break time which thankfully they allowed. While the female omegas there with him stayed. They didn't want to miss the chance on gaining favor from the Alpha from earlier.

'Those Horny B*tches.' Atsumu cursed inside his head. He didn't know why but he wanted to strangle the female omegas earlier who wanted to cling onto the Alpha from earlier.

Good thing his observation was correct and the Alpha really didn't like skinship so the female omegas were either pushed or got a growl of warning from the alpha whenever they tried to approach him.

'Serves them right. Hmp!'.

Atsumu felt possessive earlier and he didn't like that. He didn't like the feeling of being possessive and selfish of something or someone he doesn't even own. He doesn't want to be selfish, he can't be selfish!.


Atsumu looked up from the leather couch to the door and saw Akaashi walk in, also looking tired lile them. Akaashi walked inside the room and flopped himself on one of the three single couch.


"How did the Triple V room go?." Akaashi asks curiously. The three of them calls the VVVIP room the Triple V room because of the three V's on the title.

"It was great but exhausting.. they had me and two female omegas dance and i got target for shame by the other Omegas there! Good thing the newly arrived Alpha stopped us form dancing and made us pole dance so i regained my dignity from being shamed." Atsumu says.

"Wait... What? You know how to pole dance?." Akaashi and Kenma says together.

Atsumu was now sitting on the leather couch and was looking at them with a you-didn't-know?-look. And Akaashi and Kenma looks at him waiting for an explanation. Kenma's Nintendo and game now forgotten.

"Yeah, i know how to pole dance. It was my first love other than volleyball. But because my so-called-father thought that i was also gonna be an Alpha like my twin, he killed my love and passion for pole dancing and since my twin back then loves volleyball i also got into volleyball and overtime i loved Volleyball more than anything else. Even more than Pole Dancing. But pole dancing has a special place in my omega ass heart." Atsumu tells giggling at the end a little.

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