Werewolf bites are definitely fatal

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I walk up the porch to my house but there's blood. I glance around but something feels seriously wrong so I run inside. I run upstairs and open Elena's bedroom door. "Lena?" I question walking towards her. "Lena!" I shout. I reach her bed and shake her but as her body rolls over her neck is gashed and she's laying in a pool of blood. "Ah!" I let out a blood curdling scream. I run out of the room to find Jeremy but I trip over something. "Jenna? Jenna... Jenna!" She's dead.

"You know I warned you, their all dead because of you." I look up to see who's talking and see Katherine leaning against the wall downstairs with a smirk on her face. Tears roll down my face and I'm speechless. "You killed them all Emmy, I warned you about Klaus."

My breathing speeds up as I turn around in my spot trying to find out what's happening.

I gasp as I sit up. My breathing is still fast as I glance around my room. You're okay you're okay.

Is Klaus really gona kill everyone?

I get off of my bed picking up my phone and checking the time and it's only five in the morning. Is Jay still here?

I pace around my room for a while still trying to breathe like a normal person.

After a while I walk out of my room over to the guest room and it's empty. The bed is made and it's almost as if no one was even there so I go back to my room and lie down on my bed.

I get back up and walk into the main bathroom rifle through the medicine cabinet until I find the remainder of Elena's pills from the accident. There's only a few since Jeremy used them when he was tryna turn into a vampire. I glance around and then take out some. In my defense I only meant to take out two but three just happened to fall into my hand and I hear footsteps so I shove it in my mouth and swallow.

I walk back to my room and sleep.

--- -----

I finally had a normal rest and I wake up. Well Elena waked me up but Whatever it's fine, we're going to the boarding house.

I bathe and brush my teeth and all that other stuff and now I'm looking for an outfit. I change into an oversized Jersey with Jeans shorts. Aka, Jeremy's jersey that I stole. So anyway it's that, Jeans shorts and white converse which are actually not all that much white anymore.

I go downstairs and Jenna's watching TV in the living room. "Is Elena still upstairs?" I ask her. "She left." She answers and I scoff. She woke me up and then left me.

I get my keys and walk out to my car and drive to the boarding house.

"Damon?" I yell walking inside. God this house still creeps me out. "Damon."

"He's not here." Elena says appearing on top of the stairs. I walk up and she gestures for me to follow her. We go into Damon's bedroom and Rose is laying on his bed and she doesn't look too good. "Damn, the hell happened to you?" I ask sitting next to her. She coughs a little. "Werewolf bite."

Oh shit she's gona die.

I've grown to like Rose, she's a nice person. I don't want her to die. I mean I was mad at her because she tried to give us up to die but Elena did the same thing so whatever.

"I hate this. I'm a vampire, I haven't had a cold in five centuries." She argues. "Just get some rest." Elena urges. "We don't get sick. When we die, it's fast and sudden and it's certainly not drawn out in illness."

Emily Gilbert- the supernatural sister ( tvd fancficWhere stories live. Discover now