Never say Never

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Chapter 1


Lying in the hospital room. It was 3 days ago I lost all my family, sad thought. I don’t remember much though. I’m only 7 that is which I don’t fully understand this whole situation. My mom was friends with 2 people. Dani, she’s amazing always there, just like now. There was also Patty. She has a son named Justin; he’s 1 year older though. They live in Canada and aren’t as close as they were in high school because of some fight. But Dani was in the will to be the first to ask if they would adopt me. They as in her and her husband Denis.  Of course she took on the challenge.

*End of Flashback*

Me, Brea, I’m now 16 it has been 8 years since that all happen. I don’t fully remember it all. Nor would I want to. But Dani is going to a High School reunion back in Ohio. She wants to bring me along cause Denis has to go out on business to India. She said I should be prepared for anything so I pretty much packed my whole closet. (A.n- Dani is in the more wealth area in the economy, but they don’t act like it)

 We live in Ohio so it’s not much of a drive about 3 hours. She kept telling me about all her fun memories from high school. She only mentioned Patty and my mom mostly. I guess you could say there like the “three musketeer’s” back then. She never told me what ever happened with my mom and Patty though, like it was a big kind of secret. I never ­­­asked questions though, figured it was a privet matter.

We got to the hotel and checked in and such and headed to the room. Dani heard yelling and held the elevator door open. A lady around her thirties rushed over with a bunch of huge dudes in black and a boy in-between them. The lady thanked us for not leaving yet. Dani told her no problem and asked what floor. The big dude said 21, which we were on that floor also. I didn’t want to ease drop but I’m 15, like I’m just not going to so I did. The lady was arguing with her son, telling him about how this is vacation and no doing this or what not, and to be nice. Never really thought to much about it. But we got off and made our way to our rooms and me and Dani settled it.

Dani: I swear I’ve seen that lady before. It seems like forever ago though.

Me: Maybe it’s just your imaginary playing tricks with your mind.

Dani: Maybe, but I’m going to go down to the lobby and find out somewhere good to eat tonight for us. Okay?

Me: Okay, be careful. Love ya.

Dani: Love you too.

Dani left and I went to take a nap because I like naps lol.

Dani’s P.O.V. (point of view)

 I was walking towards the elevator again and saw it about to close and yelled for the person to hold it open. To my luck it was the lady beforehand. Only she was alone this time. She tried to apologize for earlier with all the people she had with her. I told her not to worry it was fine. I studied her a little bit; I know I’ve seen her before. It had to be a long time ago though. I just remember the eyes. I do that with people if I see your eye’s I’ll remember them forever. She noticed my staring and asked if there was something on her face. I said no and apologized for staring. I told her a recognized her eye’s from some time ago. She looked at me like she remembered something, but looked away in a hurry and by the time she looked away we reached the lobby and she scurried off. I did as I was going to do and found out there’s a chipotle down the street. (btw. Chipotle is amazingly good! Look it up.) I called Brea and she sounded as she had been sleeping I told her I was getting food and she needed to get her butt down here, like now. Which she took about 15 minutes but made it down eventually.

Brea p.o.v

I was awoken by Donald Trump by Mac Miller playing as my ring tone for Dani calling, and I rolled over and answered it. She said she was going to walk over to Chipotle for lunch and asked if I would go. Like that’s a question. Lol I put on my DC’s and put my Itouch 2nd generation out, put on my headphones and blasted Kush and Patron and walked out. I ran into some guy. Pulled out my headphones and said:

Me: Um ouch?

???: Ouch what? Watch where the f*ck your going will ya?

Me: Excuse me, look here you are a normal person and say you’re  sorry like everyone else.

???: Haha you must recognize me. (said while taking his hood off)

Me: Yeah I don’t, and taking your hood off won’t change that.

Justin: You must live under a rock, I’m THEE Justin Bieber. Here’s free autograph.

Me: Oh Justin Bieber!!! Omg!! Ahhhh, I don’t know who you are, haha. What is a Justin Bieber anyways?

Justin: Yeah you live under a rock, I’m THEE biggest pop star out there right now.

Me: Must not be big enough. I listen to good music. Not some Disney kid. Bye.

With that I walked into the elevator and got out to meet with Dani and walk to get lunch. I hope I never see that kid again.

Justin’s p.o.v

What the hell! I get ran into, and then she doesn’t even know who the hell I am? Haha she must be living under a freaking rock. I’m JUSTIN BIEBER! The greatest guy out right now. I got millions of girls screaming my name, That girl is nothing to me. Nothing.

Hi, tell me what you think, and do what you do best here. Note im not an obsessed fan, so these aren't the facts of things, i dont know much about justin.

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