Chapter 20

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*brea's p.o.v*

We just landed in cleveland and are 20 mins from our home...A lot of mix feelings are coming into mind and heart. I will be leaving tomorrow night back to my new home with dani. I will leave behind my home town my memories also.

Your probably wondering why this is so emotional...Cause as you know my mother died died when i was really little...All our memories are here. I mean don't get me wrong i will always have the memoies but leaving her here is gonna be one of the hardest things i do.

Me and dani were packing some things up and i came across a picture of my mom and me when i was a baby. A tear trickled down my face. I held on to it will all my might, and just got up and left. I heard dani yell for me, but i didnt stop...i needed to talk to my mommy. I needed too.

*Dani's p.o.v*

I saw brea run off i tried calling for her, but no luck she didn't stop. i walked over to where she was and i saw the picture i took when her was born...So i knew where she would be.

*with Brea*

I ran for what was around 3 miles, non stop. I dropped to my knees and just stood there crying. crying out for my mommy. Thats all i wanted. I wanted to be in her arms again. I wanted to be able to say i love you and hear it back. I wanted to say goodbye before she left me....I wanted someone to tell me its okay, to tell me i'm theres...To always be there for me...but thats when it hit me.

I did have all those things, I did have a mom that cared for me. I did have someone who told me they loved me everyday. I had a mom, she just isn't blood related.

I sat there for 3 hours tell my mommy everything that has happened this summer so far. and that ill always come and visit her. And that i love her.

I made my way home and saw Dani and i ran up to her and gave her a hug.

D: lol hi honey, how was your visit?

B: i thought for awhile and told mom everything thats happened so far and that i love her.

D: awe well thats nice, do you wanna go get washed up and go out to dinner?

B: yeah, i'll go do that..and

D: yes honey?

B: i love you mom. :)

D: i love you too sweetheart.

*with Dani*

i was sooo touched when she said i love you mom, she's never called me mom before. It brought tears to my eyes.

You see i was never able to have children, it hurt denis a lot because he loves kids soo much! he grew up with 5 brothers and 3 sisters. He wanted a big family, but when we found out i couldnt have children, he was sad, then we tried to adopt and we were on a 4 year waiting list. So we decided not to have children. But when we heard that tiff and her husband died, we both knew that no matter what would happen we were going to take Brea and have her as our child. But make sure she new everything she wanted about her family. We were her second choice to take care of her. Patty was the first. But no one knew where Patty went. Then me and Tiff got closer and made a new will for the just incase, for us to be her legal guardian.


I got ready and then got a text from justin that tore my heart up.

babyy <3: Hey, so stay away from my justin, okay slut?

me: Um who is this?

babyy <3: You dont need to know, so just stay the hell away before i get someone to mess up your life got it hoe!

Me: Look, you can't do anything.

Babyy <3: really? cause i know dani isn't your would be sad if you just lost her too. wouldn't it?

That's when i didnt want to risk it...

Me: got your way...I'll end it tonight before i go to sleep...

Babyy <3: good, now we never had this convo its erased form justyywussys inbox.

I couldnt believe what just happened...

I put that aside because me and Dani were going out to eat..DAVE AND BUSTERS!!!! woohoo!

lol She and i Played hours of games. and won over 3000 tickets. yeah were good at video games. It really got my mind off the crap i got earlier...

I just couldnt believe i'm gone for one night and hes out with some girl!?

It was 11pm when we got home, dani went straight to bed and i was on the kitchen's island sitting there thinking...Its this or nothing....

to babyy <3: It's over

*with Justin*

After the photo shoot i got a text from Selena asking to hang out, as friends. I said sure and we'd meet at Pinkberry.

Sel: hey!

Justin: hey, whats up?

sel: nothing just missing demii...

Justin: I bet you guys were so close.

Sel: yeah but when she comes back were having girls night to mend everything.

Justin: thats good..

Sel: how are you and Brea?

Justin: amazing, i think i really love her, ya know what i mean right?

Sel: *jealous* yeah deff :)

Justin: Ill be right back imma use the restroom.

Sel: okay.

I texted the boy stealer and oh was she getting it. she wont steel my way to fan again!

Justin: why do you have my phone?....

Sel: OH i was checking the weather see?

Justin: couldnt you do that on your phone also?

Sel: I left it in my car.

Justin: okay cool, well hey im going to go, my mom and i were gonna watch a movie at home tonight.

Sel: okay have fun bye.

Justin: bye. *they hug*

I got home and just was in the middle of the movie wall-e, my fav i must say when i heard my phone giggle...yes giggle. cause it makes you you get weird looks from  people who make you giggle more. i asked my to hand it to me but she paused...and looked up at me...

* brea*

Babyy <3: It's over.


i turned my phone off and went to bed...

*with Justin and Patty*

J: Mom whats wrong...

P: * i handed him the phone* Honey im so sorry...

Justin: I looked at the text, it was from said its over...

I just looked at my mom and tears fell from my eyes, she pulled me into a hug i couldnt believe it was over. I texted her back, called her several times. i wanted answers and i wouldnt stop till i got mom took my phone and told me to go lie down.

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