Never say Never

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Justin's p.o.v

Patty: Justin this is Dani a old friend from high school, and this is her daughter Brea.

Justin: *ugh i will be nice only because my mom's around.* Nice to meet you guys.

I shook there hands, why must we be on vacation for this long, i just want to go.

Brea's p.o.v

It's him! ahhs why must he be the son of her. she is so nice and sweet, and hes all grouchy and rude. Like grow up! Dani told me that they were going shopping and Justin and I had to hang out for awhile to get to know eachother. Like i want to know that thing over there. But i'll do it for Dani.

Brea: okay let's get this straight. 1. Don't be an snobby and bitch like, and this will go smoothly. 2. If you say shit about being this Justin Bieber thing then i'm going to leave. and thirdly, I'm going to wander around myself, without you. So bye.

Justin: Haha, sweet thang thats not how this works. You come with me, and stay with me. I don't want to be here either, I would rather be on tour or back in LA in my house and not in this dump of a town. So you will listen to me. Like now, were going shopping.

Well, i guess i'm going shopping? lol i wont be around this for long, while live it up as i can right?

It has been like all day of shopping, arguing with him, and getting lost. I finally found Dani and Patty sitting at starbucks talking about something. So i walked over to interput.

Brea: Hey

Dani: There you are! you got lost didn't you? lol but where's Justin we need to tell you guys something.

Patty: I see him, Justin get you butt over here away from those girls. You can do better then them anyways.

Justin: Mom..really? You had to say that?

Patty: Why yes i did. Anyways we have to tell you guys something. Dani you can go first.

Dani: Okay so Brea, Denis is going to be in India longer then we thought.

Brea: How much longer?

Dani: About 6 months longer. So Patty suggested that since we don't want to be alone ourselfs where we both live.

Patty: I suggested that you two should come stay with me and Justin in LA for awhile. That way you can get to know Justin, and we all can become closer.

Justin: WHAT!!!!!? Mom you can't be serious!  We, don't have room anyways.

Patty: Yes Justin I'm serious, and we have tons of room. There's the two guest rooms down the hall upstairs and down stairs.

Dani: So it's settled were going to live in LA for awhile. Is'nt that exciting Brea you have been wanting to go there for so long now.

Brea: Great....

Brea's p.o.v

What is she thinking?!!???? I don't want to be around that thing for 6 months! I can hardly handle 5 minutes with this thing. I won't agure though, cause when i do i just lose. But he better watch it. No shit is going to be taken. I mean seriously. what is a Justin Bieber? We got back to our hotel for our last night before we fly to LA. I couldn't sleep so i went down into the lobby and curled up on the couch. I pulled out my mac book pro and went to google. I typed in Justin Bieber and over 269 million links showed up in .17 seconds. Is he really that big? If so why haven't i ever heard of him. Oh yeah thats right i dont like Disney kids. I head something behind me, and looked but saw nothing, as i turned around, and looked up and:

Jusitn: RAWR!

Brea: Ahhhhh!!! what the hell!

Justin: Hahahahahahahahaha

Brea: That wasn't funny one bit!

Justin: Hahahaha you should seen your face. Priceless.

Brea: Ugh what are you doing down here anyways.

Justin: Couldn't sleep. You?

Brea: Same.

Justin: So what are you looking at over there?

Brea: *panic mode* Oh uh, nothing really just music stuff.

Justin: Uh huh, if so let me see.

Brea: Opps my bad a closed it. I'll be right back, i need to get something.

Justin's p.o.v

She walked to the bathroom in a rush, haha girls there so easy to scare. Now what was she looking at on her laptop. I pulled up the tab and she was googling me? I can't believe she didn't know who i was. Even guys who hate me know who i am. Well lets go seaching through her itunes. I see a lot of music i don't know. Oh shit the door is opening. I closed the tab and put the laptop back where it was and just fiddled with my thumbs. Acting like i never saw anything.

Brea: Well I'm going to head back up to my room now, so goodnight.

Justin: uh, night.

I wonder why she chose the other elevator instead of the one that just opened.

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