Never Say Never Chapter 2

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Brea's p.o.v

After Dani and i got our food we wondered around a bit. It's a very boring place but i didnt want to say anything because Dami was so excited for tonight.  It was 5pm and we started to head back, i was tired and she needed to get all prettied up. I did her hair and make up. She had on an amazing dress by Gucci, and Tiffany earrings to fit perfectly. And off she went. I of couse went back to sleep for a while. Like always.

Dani's p.o.v

I walked out all so pretty to show everyone what happens when you leave this town and and make it to the outside workld. I heard yelling across the hall though. I heard "Justin i told you to be nice to everyone, and not blow your cover! We don't want people messing up our vaction!" It got quiet so i walked away trying not to be noticed. I made my way to my old high school North Central Tigers. It's a lot bigger now. But i saw her again! Now i know why i recognize her, she was in my graduation class. i got my name tag with a picture of me back in high school. Oh god what was i thinking back then. They sat us down by who we sould sit with back then, it would only be me and Patty if she showed up that is.

Patty's p.o.v

I was yelling at Justin before i left because he was being rude to everyone and such. I didn't want to deal with him now, so i got up and left. I walked down to the lobby and made my way over to the school. I was so acred to see my old friends. I mean me and Tiff got into a fight at graduation and then i left. And i never saw her again. Then there was Dani i haven't talked to her in forever. I hope this night goes well. U was walking to table 16, all our favorite number. And i saw her. It was the lady from the hotel.

Patty: Dani???

Dani: Patty???

Patty: i knew i recognized you in the hotel!! Oh my god how have you been???!!!?

Dani: I'm good, how are you. You changed so much!!

They talked the whole night, she explained why Tiff wasn't here, and how she had a daughter cause they adopted Tiff's daughter Brea, and everything. Though, the night came to an end, and they walked back to the hotel and planned to meet in the lobby tomorrow for breakfast to meet eachothers family, and hang out again.

**Next day**

Brea's p.o.v

I woke up to find a note from Dani saying to meet down in the lobby for breakfast so i can meet someone. I did as i was told, got a shower, did my hair and make up. I changed into a Band t shirt, white skinny jeans, and some flip flops. (a.n if you havent notice i kinda made brea a tom boy. but she got some girl in there don't worry)  I walked down and i saw Dani sitting with the lady from the elevator. Which made me oddly confused.

Dani: Brea this is my old friend Patty. Patty this is Tiff's daughter or mine now Brea.

Patty: Well i've heard so much about you. You are beautiful just like your mother.

Brea: um thanks.

That's when i saw him, again. UGH!

Justin's p.o.v

I woke up to a text from my mom telling me to get my ass out of bed and meet her in the lobby for breakfast to meet some people. So i did my little routine, and made my way down and saw her again. I can already tell this will be a long day.

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