Chapter 13

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As the adults would be talking down stairs in the party room, they let all us kids go into the other room outside on the balcony and talk and such. Justin sure doesn't know that if you like a girl, you don't go being all kissy face with someother girl where i can see you. Ugh boys!! I was in deep thought on how to ruin it when Willow walked up to me.

Willow: Okay i can totally see you have a thing for Justin, lol and i know that, what your seeing is hurting you, so i'm wondering if you would like to go have a dance party with me and the girls?

Brea: Yeah, sounds like fun, thanks Willow.

The song E.T by Katy Perry came on and we totally freaked out. Everyone could see we were like sisters at the moment. Then Jaden came over to show off his "moves" lol. Those two are so close, and are like best friends even though there related. The next two days i spent all my time with those two. We were insperable, I really didn't want this weekend to end at all. Even though were neighbors, the Smith's were going to Paris for a couple weeks.

Dani's p.o.v

I could tell Brea was having fun. She never really had many friends back home, so i didn't really like to see her become sad when willow and jaden left for Paris with there parents for a couple weeks.

Will: Those three have become pretty close these last couple of days.

Dani: They sure have.

J: Will i was thinking, if it's okay with you that is Dani, if we could take Brea with us to Paris. Cause we have all these events to go to, its like they would be babysitting eachother in a way. And i'm sure they'd have tons of fun.

Will: What a fantastic idea honey. Dani, what do you think?

Dani: Oh, I don't know..

Will: Well, were doing business for the first week, then we'll be in our vacation home out in the country out there for another week if you would like to join that week?

Dani: Oh, i couldn't intrude, i couldn't afford to send Brea with you guys for that long, or find my way there. But thank's for asking.

J: Non sense, your like family to us. The neighborhood is. Think of it as a welcomeing present from us to you.

Patty: Dani, come on take it. Justin and I are going to be up there for a couple weeks anyways. You can come with us for the first week, and then we'll meet up with them, and Brea the week after.

Dani: okay. It's a plan.

J: Yay this is going to be so much fun! We have to tell the kids. *yelling* Willow, Jaden, Brea come over here.

They all rush over out of breath.

Jaden: what. is. it. mom? *saying between breaths.

Will: Well just reminding you that were leaving tomorrow night for Paris.

Willow: Oh, yeah...forgot about that. *she said sadly*

Dani: But, Brea will be joining you for the time your out there.

J&W: Really?!?!?!! Yess!!

Brea: Mom are you serious?!!?!?

Dani: Yes, But you must be on your best behavior and i don't want you causing any trouble while i'm not there.

Brea: I won't. I promise! Thank you!! *she said hugging Dani*

Will: In fact your mother will be joining us when we go to our vacation home for a couple weeks.

Jaden: Wait, the vacation house?!?! The one with the...

Willow: Slide, and with the

Jaden: Whole other side decked out in

Willow&Jaden: Awesome every thing?

J: Yes, that one.

Jaden: Oh, my god Brea you will love our house!! It's amazing!

Then Justin wonders over wondering what all the comotion is.

Justin: What's going on?

Patty: Brea is going to be with the Smith's for when were on tour, then we will be meeting up with them later on.

Justin: Whoa, hold up, she's not coming with us?!

Dani: yes, she won't be.

Patty: So you can Bring Caitin if you want to now. Like you asked.

Jusitn: Yes! ha, she's a lot more fun then Brea anyways.

Patty gave him a look.

Justin: Oh my god, ewww no mom god, were best friends duh!.

Patty: Okay just making sure. Just making sure.

So that after noon, we headed back to the house, and i helped Brea get a bunch of her things packed up and such. I totally forgot what it was like to be a Teenage girl. There right, you never know what you will need to wear and such, so you must back two of everything you own. It was 9pm west coast time and i walked her out to the car, and saw her off. She'd never been gone from me this long since she we wee little. I'm gonna cry, no be strong Dani, nopes mother's time. She gave me the i love you symbol and they drove off.

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