Never Say Never Chapter 5

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Hey guys, before i start the chapter i just wanted to say thank you for reading, it really get me motivated to keep writting. I'm new at this so bare with me. And Enjoy. :)

Brea's p.o.v

We landed at LAX and went to get our stuff at the luggage place. All of asudden though I heard a scream, 1,2,3, and more to follow. All screaming OH MY GOD IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER!!! I turn around to see a ton of girls running this way before i could get a word out Justin grabbed my arm and pulled me away, it was too late though, i got trampled for a good 30 seconds, a painful 30 seconds that is. I remember screaming out in pain and for help. I couldn't see anyone but i felt two people help me up take me over to the side. They had someone on the phone calling for a first aid kit. I didn't notice who they were yet, but i could tell they weren't someone I'd know.

???1: Oh wow, are you okay?

???2: Well duh she's not okay look at her, she got trampled by all those screaming girls.

???1: I was being thoughtful.

Brea: yeah i'm okay just a little pain.

???1: Looks like a bruise. A big one.

???2: Yeah that's going to be sore in the morning.

Brea: Not to be rude, but who are you too?

(a.n. Note that i know these two aren't friends anymore, but in mine they are.)

???1: Oh, I'm sorry i totally forgot, im Demi.

???2: And I'm selena.

Brea: Oh cool, nice to meet you two i'm Brea

Demi: So who are you here with?

Brea: Um, i was with Justin Bieber and his mom, and mine. But i don't know where they went.

Selena: You know Jusitn Bieber? Oh My god, are you the rumor girlfriend that was at some mall with him in Ohio??

Brea: No..I'm not, nor would i want to.

Demi: Haha we understand completely, he's a Jerk isn't he?

Brea: oh yeah.

Selena: Well we know where he live's if you need a ride there.

Brea: Yeah that would be nice, thanks.

Demi: No biggy.

We made our way to there car and started for Justin's house.

Selena: So your pretty cool, and i sense that i can trust you, but do you want my number so we can hang sometime?

Demi: I second that question. Which goes to mine too.

Brea: Yeah sure.

So they switched numbers and made it to Justin's house in about 2 hours. LA traffic is so long. That will be something to get used to. But these two are so nice.

Selena: We'll text you so we can make plans okay?

Brea: Okay see ya bye.

I walked inside to a beautiful home, It's like nothing i have ever seen before. I eventually found my way to the kitchen where i saw a worried Dani, and Patty. And would you look at that, no Justin to be found. Figures.

Dani: Oh my god i've been worried sick about you!! Are you okay? How did you get here? Tell me!!

Brea: I'm fine, Just a couple bruises. And I got home by these girls Selena and Demi, they pulled me out of the screaming girls. There really nice.

Patty: Ah's they are nice, that was very sweet of them to do that. I'll have to send a card over to them

Dani: Well i'm just happy your here and safe.

Patty: We'll your stuff is all upstairs in your room. It's the one next to Justin's on the right.

Brea: Okay thanks.

Dani: Were going out to see the town. Behave.

Brea: I will.

I found the stairs eventually again lol, and walked up to see pictures of Justin when he was little, and pictures of my mom, Dani, and Patty in high school. They looked so happy. I reached the top and found my way. Justin's door was open and he saw me walk by, but yet waited for me to get to my room. About a good 5 minutes.

Justin's p.o.v

I tried to grab her arm as fast as i could, but it wasn't quick enough. I had to run, but i didn't want to leave her behind. I did what i did, and i regret it. When we got home all we could do was wait, and wait, and wait. I couldn't take the girl talk so i went to my room and looked up what they all wrote while i was gone. There was a picture of me and a "mystery girl" of course it was Brea, but they didn't know that. They thought we were dating. Ahhs i wish we were. I close the tab and heard the front door close. I waited to see her, when i saw her walk by my room and she had a sling on her arm. I felt so bad about that. I hate when my fans hurt people i know. I know they mean no harm, but still. I wish they would know what it feels like. I walked over to brea's door and knocked.

Brea: Come in.

Justin: I'm sorry about your arm. I tried to grab you sooner but it was to late.

Brea: I understand, no biggy. Just a bruise.

Justin: Who gave you a ride home? No fan right?

Brea: Demi and Selena did. There really nice you know.

Justin: Yeah i know. Were all firends.

Brea: Ahhs, makes sense.

Justin: Yeah.

I walked over to her bed, and gave her a hug. She doesn't know how much it hurts to see her hurt. I don't understand why i care so much anyways.

Brea's p.o.v

Ahhhhh, damn he smells good. Lol, His hug was one of those tight hugs that every girl loves. I didn't want him to let go, but he was leaning on my arm and it hurt, a lot.

Justin: Well I'm going to see Jaden Smith. You wanna come?

Brea: Nah, I'm going to stay here for the night. Chill and stuff.

Justin: Okay, well here's my number if you need anything.

Brea: Okay, thanks.

And with that he left.. Alone again? Nopes.

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