Chapter 18

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Brea's p.o.v

Me and Liza were watching the story unfould and she could see that i was not liking so she turned off the tv and turned towards me.

L: Okay, no more of this Bieber news. We are going to the store and buying out there junk food ok? And then we are coming here, turning up the music and rocking out okay?

B: okay...

L: Cheer up, i mean were in dorky outfits, no ones gonna reconize us. (btw...there like in cowboy hats, high heels, and rainbow shirts and pants)

B: Your right, lets do this!

Were on our way to our Giant Eagle (if you live in Western PA you know that its amazing!) and walked it..don't get me wrong, its like a walmart at night, all the socially awkward people work there. But it was still fun. We bought 2 bags of every chip, and all the candy you would love!!! I Really like this girl, hopefully we stay friends cause shes awesome. Well we got back and threw everything on the table in my room (its huge so theres a island table type thing) and turned up the music and rocked out all night.

Justin's p.o.v

I stayed up all night thinking what if. what if she hates me now. what if she doesn't love me. what if what if what if!!!!!!  It was around 3am when i called her phone, knowing she was probably asleep i just wanted to hear her voice. I got her voice mail and its us talking about idk anymore, but this time it was different. I hear in my ear..


whatt???? idk after i heard that i knew she wasn't liking that she was now known as the "hater steelin just bieber" ( i made it kinda) so i went to bed...

**next day**

I woke up with a tummy ache, lol way to much junk food for my liking. It was all cleaned up and i turned my head to the left (to the left to the left...sorry i'll stop interupting) and screamed and fell backwards off the bed.

L: hahahahhahahaha OMG you should have seen your faceee!!!! PRICELESS!!

B: What the hell lol, is that how you wake everyone up!?

L: why yes...yes i do.

B: haha well thanks for the warning.

L: your welcome...i've been up for 3 hours, i cleaned up bc i must have sleep walked into the jungle of food and made a mess. lol...

B: thats fine, but what do you say we go and get coffee? I really need someone to take my mind off well ya know..

L: ahhs yes. but could be go by my dad's house real quick, i need to get my bathing suit.

B: why do you need that?

L: boyfriend's taking me to the beach today! :))

B: awe so cute!

L: Wanna come along?

B: Nahh im good.

L: okayy, well i'll see you later?

B: Yes!!

*later that day*

I was walking around the house cause...lets face it i get lost easily. But i found my way back to the entry way and i found a note...

It said "Hi, follow this letter and you'll find me."

What the fuck? lol hows that help me, so i went to throw it away and found another note.

"lol i know you well, now your confused..."

I was i walked into the back yard to go on a swing, cause i love swings. and i looked down to my feet, and oh look what i found another note..

" I love you baby, will you ever forgive me. I was going to tell you when i came back but they got to you before i could..Please look over to the doors"

I looked over, i swer if this is a killer imma be pissed...but it wasn't

Justin: baby i'm really sorry, i tired to figure out why you were mad, and scared. then i signed onto the facebook and saw my wall..If i knew this would happen i wouldn't have told anyone. I love you, and only you.

B: I wasn't mad at you. I was just scared, i was like attacked and we were scared. i was scared. I didn't have you for comfort. all i got was a call...And..idk...

J: well im hear now baby, and i wont leave your side if you dont want me too.

B: i love you.

J: i love you too.

B: But i have a question....WILL YOU.......

OoO whats she gonna ask?? Is is what your thinking, cause i can tell you it's not. lol...Stay tuned...:)

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