Chapter 19

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Brea: Will you...get me a Giraffe, and andd anddd we can name it herman jacob shelden the 3rd cause i mean it's an awesome name..and could it be challenged alsooo??? cause there so much cutier that way....please justtyybooo???

Justin: lol we'll see babe.

Brea: we'll see's are always no thoooo.

Justin: not always babe...

*Dani's p.o.v*

I was sitting on the balcony from the guest room watching over justin and brea, she really likes him..and then i got a call from my husband.

Denis: Hi honey, im so sorry i haven't called much latly, but i couldnt find service anywhere, and the meetings and ohh...its so much, but it's amazing here. I got your email i see you met up with Patty OH honey im so proud that you took all that might to reconnect with a lot friend.

Dani: I miss you too sweetie, when will you be coming home, we miss you so much, and yes i did, were in LA with them for the summer, but i haven't been able to tell Brea or Patty that were going home this saturday, I can't stay here i feel like a intruder in her home.

Denis: Honey i won't be home for another 4 months, and what if we just stay there? You know move there. My company has offices there and i mean you could be a stay at home mother like you always wanted to do. Honey we have the money, why dont you and Brea go look at houses tomorrow and find one that we'd all like..Plus what is there in Ohio that we will miss?

Dani: You do have a point sweetie...i just it's a lot of work.

Denis: I know what you mean, but i'm sure Patty has some people she knows that could help with the moving.

Dani: okay...

Denis: so thats a yes?

Dani: yes, i guess us two will go house shopping tomorrow.

Denis: OH BOY!! YAY,....i mean....dats cool yo.

Dani: oh honey, well i have to go, i love you. we'll send u pictures!!

Denis: i love you too honeybee bye.

Dani: bye!


Patty: hey there D, whats up.

D: oh nothing just got off the phone with denis, and how i couldnt have the guts to tell brea were leaving saturday..

P: noo you cant leave!!!! We just reconnecteddd, that the children there soo...well ya know.

D: i know, thats why brea and i are going house shopping tomorrow.

P: AHHS you tricked me!!!!!!!

D: you know thats what i do.

*incomes justin and brea*

B: hey mom, hey patty.

J: hey patty, hey mrs. D.

P: what have i told you about calling me that!

J: sorrrryy mommy......

B: So whats going on today?

P: well justin has a photo shoot today, so we have to leave in 20 mins ok?

J: yeah yeah...i know..

D: and i was thinking we'd go out just the two of us? How does that sound?

B: sounds cool, can't wait. I'll meet you in the car mom?

D: Yeah.

P: are you going to tell her?

D: over some coffee i will.

J: tell her what, tell me tell me tell me.

P: ill tell you in the car geeezzz.

*With Dani, and Brea*

(sitting drinking coffee)

B: so what did you want to tell me?

D: what do you mean?

B: dani you dont like coffee...and this is where you took me when i was little when you needed to tell me something.

D: okay, well denis called and said he wouldn't be home for four more months, and that i didnthavethegutstotellyouwereleavingforhomeonsaturday.....


D: honey calm down!!!!!!!! i brought you were so we could go house shopping...


D: denis and i decided to stay here. His job has offices here, and then we can all stay close. If thats what you want...Just we'd be leaving behind one thing...

B: yeah..i know...but i dont wanna talk about it..

D: Okay, well shall we get going, we have lots of meetings to get to today.

B: ready?

D: ready?

*they linked arms and drove off)

The first house was very nice, but not our style. (link) (

The second house was the one we choose. it's amazing, better then Justin's home if you ask me. lol. I saw it and brea and i fell in love, we sent the pics to denis and he said buy it before its to late. so we did.    (link) (    Right on the beach too!!!!

*brea's p.o.v*

I told justin that we'd be going back to Ohio for 2 days to get the little things we wanted to take with us, because were buying all new stuff, it just makes it easier. He offered to come along, but i didnt want him too...I wanted to be alone when i went to visit the site.

what do you think Brea is talking about? What site?

Hi, I'm Liz the author of this story, sorry its been so long. writters block, and color guard takes up a lot of time now. but triva question.     Who was mentioned in the beginging but isn't here now...why would she want to be alone???  hmmms...lets see who remembers. 

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