Never Say Never Chapter 6

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Brea's p.o.v

To be honest i don't even like to be alone. So i texted Demi and well this is how it went.

**Via text message**

B: Hey!

D: Ahhs yay you acutally texted!

B: Yeah, why wouldn't i?

D: most people think we give out a fake number.

B: oh well, i never acutally thought of that till now.

D: haha yeah, so whats up?

B: Not much at all, pretty much alone. You?

D: Well, with Selena were about to go shopping for a little and get dinner. You wanna come?

B: Yeah, sounds like fun.

D: Okay we'll be over in 10 minutes.

B: Haha okay see you then.

So i got up and changed into a cute Pink halter top, and some short shorts (white), and flip flops. By the time i made it down stairs they were here, so off we went.

Demi's p.o.v

D: Hey Sel i invited Brea to come with us. If thats okay?

S: Yeah its fine, she seems totally cool.

D: Okay well ready to go?

S: Yuups i am, which one of us is going to drive.

D: I will.

So we got in the car and headed to get Brea. I beeped the horn and she walked out in this super cute outfit.

B: Hey!

Demi& Selena: Hey, oh my god we all match in a weird way.

B: Well this way we won't get lost from eachother lol.

D: Oh wow i never thought about that.

S: We should do this everytime we go out together, we could start a new trend.

B: lol i'm not sure if that would catch on or not.

D: lol probably not. But lets do it anyways!

B: Oh hold on my mom is calling me.

B: hello?...oh hey, umm not much with Demi and Selena. Were going shopping and then to dinner...Yes i have money.. no justin's not with us he's over at a firends. mhm okay bye. Ahhs stupid phone.

D: Mom checkin up on you?

B: Yeah..she worries.

S: What mom's do.

D: So why's your phone stupid?

B: Oh i'm not sure, it's just super old. I have to get a knew one soon.

D&S: Hmm...

B: Why hmm, what are you two thinking about?

D: what company do you have?

B: AT&T why?

S: Just wondering..

D: We're here!!

We started walking around and i saw the iphone 4, so i went it and found out her number and got a her a new phone. I'm a nice person i gues you could say, and she needed something to cheer her up after everything dealing with mr. Im so beast over there. lol

D: So you needed something to cheer you up from Mr. I'm so beast over there, and you said your phone was being stupid so i got you this.

B: Oh my god Demi!!! You didn't have to get me this at all. Just being here hanging with you guys is cool enough.

S: Well we figured while were gone with bussiness you wont be alone and we can face time. =]

B: You guys are the best.

D: Well thats what friends are for.

S: Deffinitally. So i dont know about you guys, but im so hungry i could eat a horse.

D: Haha me too.. Oh and she's serious she would eat a horse if we found one lol.

B: So were do you guys want to go?

D: How about Subway? I have a craving for a sub.

B: Hmm me too.

S: Okay i'm in.

So we went over to subway and got our food, god was it yummy. lol. We dropped of Brea, and headed home. It was a good night.

Justin's p.o.v

I have been sitting here for over 4 hours waiting for Brea so i can ask her something. I hope she says yes. Then i heard "I'm back." It must of  been Brea.

Justin: Brea i have to tell you something, I...I..

Brea: You, you what?


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