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I don't go to school on Thursday. I don't cry. I don't care. I slump around the house probably to make myself feel better. i get round to cleaning the shattered cup.

I went to bed last night not speaking to Ena because I was embarrassed, it's embarrassing having you're boyfriend call you a slut and then saying how he's cheated on you multiple times, but I'm more embarrassed that I didn't see it sooner. I whip around the house finally deciding on heading to the super market. Jumping in my trusty shit heap car.

We arrived, we meaning myself and paul, paul the pedo car. One of the things I miss about England is Sainsbury's and how tax is already placed on the cost before paying. I end up at a target, it's more like a shopping center then a supermarket. I get the trolly and the small outline of a bruise burdens my outer wrist, yet another reminder of the embarrassment.

I sift through the cereals and the crisps isle picking out some takis and generic goldfish. I find my way to the home wear section, I mutter "mugs" under my breath multiple times looking through the different mugs on the racks trying to replace the broken set.

I turn my head to the sound of bottles clinking in a trolly. I know this man. Blondeish brown hair. Taller then I am. He's wearing some classic fuck boy grey joggers with a loose fitted shirt. He's got a slouch, probably from sitting in a class room or an office chair. I can't place his face, his scruffy pre shaven face. I send him a smile as our eyes meet, his a deep emerald green opposing my grey. I gather two plain blue mugs with little white cloud decals on and depart from the silverware and pottery isle moving to the candles and throws.

Even though it's the end of may which means the school years closing out I probably won't go home, my mum has both my sisters and won't really notice if I'm there or not, and I don't really fancy spending £1,000 on a flight to do what I can do here. I know that Ena will go home for a few weeks but not for the full summer break.

On Friday I go to class, I slide in a chair next to Taylor, she's small and curvy, curly ginger hair and vibrant green eyes. She's in like 80% of my lectures only differing in a few from her doing crime scene investigation (csi) and my choice of criminology.

We grab a coffee from the little vending machine, we stand around just chatting for a few minutes and I feel a hand slip into mine.
"Where've you been" the voice takes the smile from my face " I've been looking for you, I tried to call you yesterday."
I let a deep breath before removing my hand "Finn, what do you want?"
"Am I not allowed to talk to my girlfriend" he leans down to kiss me but I swerve my head to the side so he gets my cheek and ear
"Oh? Where is she?" I raise my eyebrows and look around "Jessica? Cassidy? Marie?" I call loudly but not loud enough for effect but not loud enough for a response.
"Come on babe" he grips my hand tighter "you're over reacting, we had a little argument"
"I'll speak to you later on, I have a class" I rip my hands from his "bye Taylor I'll see you later okay?" She responds with a nod and off I go.

At work, Max and I mosey around the enchanted castle taking photos with people, talking like arseholes. The usual. I tell him about Finn and his response was plain "atleast you've found out now. He's crazy. He's psycho. He's a crazy psycho. You deserve better" he try's to console me and tells me it'll all be alright, but, the truth is I'm relieved. We had nothing in common he was boring and didn't know what the word foreplay meant. Yeah it hurt being cheated on but atleast it was an easy break up, one that he caused instead of myself.

The fireworks come and go, and by 11:25 we're driving out the big gates. We drop max and Celine off which only adds 5 minutes onto the drive.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened" we've spoken since the night Finn came but we've not spoken about the night.
"It's over, we'll I suppose you heard most of it anyway. Thin walls and all"
"So did nick" I grimace when she said his name, a strange heard my breakup with my boyfriend.
"Atleast it's all over now. Done and dusted" I take it upon myself and turn into a Macdonald's.
"What do you want?" I say changing the subject
"9 chicken nugget meal" there was only a car in front of us at the drive through "promise me if you're upset or whatever talk to me"
"Pinky" I offer up my pinky finger and she takes it.


These chapters will be a little smaller so yeah. Also in England, vauxhall corsas are like classed as a "pedo" car, Because everyone jokes that 20 year olds pick up 14 year olds and take them to maccies

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