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My heart feels warm, maybe it's because I'm being smothered by a 6'3 man as we speak, he snores into my ear causing a throaty groan to appear from my throat. I trail kisses up the side of his jaw. The rhythm of his bone rattling snores become comforting, it takes no time before I drop off.

I wake up to two pairs and eyes staring at me and my personal straight jacket, one pair are green the other and dark brown. Nick and Ena.
"See nick, I told you they'd get back together" she whispers to him
"It was shaky. I'll always listen to you En." He kissed her cheek
"It's a bit too early for an orgy" I try to remove the weight from me but he doesn't shove.
"Are you back together?" They say in unison
"Im not too sure. I think so" he finally he uses to move "clay. Clay!" I loudly whisper
"Mmm" Nick holds his hand
"Are you awake"
"Mmhmm" he lifts nicks hand and kisses it "what the fuck? Your hands are rough"
"UwU, thank you daddy" nick teases
"What the fuck?!" His head snaps to meet nicks eyes "dude, get your hands off me"
"Bro You're asking me to cuddle every night"
"Yeah Cus I didn't have Lara" he squeezes me
"Are you back together?" Ena chimes in
"I'm still debating. She asked me to be her boyfriend last night."
"Good on you" nick raises his hand for a fist bump I can badly lift my hand.

We all sit talking so a little bit more before clay cuts off the conversation
"I don't think I'll be your boyfriend"
"Get off me then. Do one pal" I shove him again but he's stuck to me
"Will you be my girlfriend"
"No" why does he have to put me on edge, I know hes trying to get back at me, it simply won't work. He lifts his head from my shoulder and lays a kiss on my lips
"I'm gonna cry" Ena Fans her face "why can't you ever be like this Nicky?"
"We've been together for like 4 months, we used to be fools in love"

We go out to breakfast. Pancakes, waffles and fruits flood the table
"School starts soon." As nick speaks i can see all his chewed food
"So does the park. How crazy. All that's happened over these 3 ish months" I cover my mouth "Then it's back to full time school and working"
"You'll have no time for me" nick fakes cry's
"Oh shush now, you little baby" Ena wraps her arms round him.

The rest of the day goes by swiftly, no bickers or lovers quarrels, nothing apart from cuddles and kisses

"I'm bored" Clay whines into my ear
"Hi bored, I'm Lara"
"Ha. So funny" he rolls over from our cuddling position "shall we go golfing?"
"To a green or mini golf?"
"We could play mini golf, I think Ava has a boyfriend now!"
"A boyfriend? She's like 11!?"
"She's 15, pshhhh,when did you have your first boyfriend?"
"She's such a little baby." I stick my bottom lip out "and I was like 15"
"When did you loose your virginity?"
"God all these questions! It was with Finn, I was 18, he was so heavy handed and not in the good way" I frown
"If I ever see that dickface I'll break him"
"Ughhh you're so hot" I press a kiss on his lips
"I know! I'll text Ava now" and he whips out his phone

"He lives at the house with the red door" Ava directs clay to her boyfriend's, Matt, house. She's in a pretty floral dress her hairs on French plaits and makeup. Clay peeps his horn and out rocks this 6 foot bloke, short brown hair, he's broad.
"What's up dude"
"Not much Bro. You avas brother?"
"Obviously, how old are you man?" I can see clay eyeing him up in the rear view mirror
"I'm 17, I'll be a senior next year"
"You know she's only 15"
"Yeah, it's all good, promise nothing will happen man"
"I should hope so, I do know where you live"
"Clayyyyy" Ava moans
"Stop You're embarrassing her" I scold.

A pissing contest breaks out between Clay and Matt about who's paying for Ava ticket, inevitably clay wins.

"I don't like that kid, he's a complete Chad." We're on the hole behind Ava and Matt, "like why god why!?" he shouts aloud
"Be quiet people are looking" I roll my eyes taking my first put "youre so stupid, how old were you when you had sex, a girlfriend, a first kiss?"
"13, 11 and 11"
"You had sex at 13?!" I spit through my teeth "you need an sti check pal"
"Yeah and no I don't, you're the one that invited a boy to my birthdays"
"So I automatically slept with him, Christ!"
"No, I shouldn't have said that, I just don't like the thought of you thinking I'm diseased"
"I was joking you prat! But you know what teenage boys are like, and who care if they've had sex. You should only hope it was safe"
"No, no let's not talk about my sister like that. What the fuck" he brings the conversational an abrupt halt.

"So kids, do you want to go out to a diner. We won't even have to sit together" I lean back twisting my back to face Ava and Matt in the back seats.
"Erm yeah I could eat" Ava nods in agreement

We pull up to an old retro diner, they have those waiters that skate and sing.
"Two tables for two please" the waitress skates towards a booth and then a sole table. I automatically claim the booth.
"Okay guys, so, if you need any money just come to us!"
"You're like my mom" Ava scoffs, she obviously doesn't mean anything negativity, just in the fact I'm babying her. I sit in the cushions of the booth and wanting to be enveloped.
"What are you thinking about" clays wrapping pieces of my hair around his fingers, twisting it trying to form a braid
"Just life, I don't want to work" I huff
"How long is your lease?"
"Like a year, well 10 months. I mean who does a 10 month rent. Are they dumb?"
"Well in 10 months why don't you move in with me?"
"I really appreciate the offer however, I don't think your house is big enough for 5 people"
"Duh! Nick wants somewhere with better wifi and George won't like the house, so may aswell move."
"But what about Ena?"
"Have you noticed how when they're not at yours they're at mine?" I "ahhhh" in response "they basically live together anyhow"
" 'Any how'" I mimic him "anyhow, would you let me pay rent?" He debates for a moment
"$50 a month" I nearly cough on my drink
"Don't be silly. That can't pay for anything"
"Fine. $5000"
"Clay, if you won't be reasonable i won't talk to you"
"That's a fair deal! You get sex great whenever, your dry cleaning done and I'm a good chef" I giggle at his statement
"Seems like you should be paying me" the conversation goes off into us sketching a floor plan on a napkin, we talk about the colour of the walls, to the colour of the wood. This hypothetical house makes me feel comfy.


Posted 15:40

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