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The two of you finally arrived after about ten minutes of walking. You both made your way up the stairs and towards the entrance.

"After you." He said, opening the door for you.

You chuckled. "Why thank you kind sir."

He smiled and pretended to tip his hat. "Anything for a good looking civilian such as yourself."

You haven't even stepped into the building and he's already making you blush, what a mess.

The two of you didn't bother going to the candy kiosk, instead you went over to where the popcorn was since a movie isn't complete without delicious popcorn. Once you got your popcorn you buttered it to your liking then went over to the theater rooms.

"Which one are we in again Ranboo?"

He switched the popcorn bucket to his left arm and pulled out his phone to check. "We are in theater 12 which is all the way in the back I believe."

You nodded. You let Ranboo lead the way since you weren't the best with directions. When you found it you wasted no time and walked in. You immediately heard the loud ads playing on the big screen. It was quite dark in there so you made sure to hold onto Ranboo's sleeve as you walked to your guys seats.

"Here we are." He said, sitting down and putting the popcorn on his lap.

You sat in the seat next to him. "I'm excited, i've been wanting to see this movie for awhile."

He turned to you. "Same, I'm glad i'm watching it with you."

You couldn't help but blush at that. "I'm glad i'm watching it with you too."

Both of you smiled at each other before looking back at the screen - the ads had stopped playing and everyone became silent. The movie was finally starting and your nerves were definitely growing.

Time seemed to be very slow even though you were trying your best to concentrate on the movie. But the whole time you kept wondering when you should make that small move you promised yourself you would do today. You checked the time on your phone - it hadn't even been an hour and the movie was only halfway done.

You gulped, you swore you could feel your insides churning. You slyly looked down at his hand resting on the arm rest then to yours which was sitting on your lap. Just do it. Get it over with. I'm sure it won't be that bad.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breathe in. Even though it was just a small gesture you couldn't help but be nervous as your hand slowly rose up. Your hand began to shakily inch towards his until you finally gently knocked your hand into his.

You looked to the side, half nervous half embarrassed. Your heart was beating so fast. You could hear him chuckle and shuffle around before feeling him intertwining his hand with yours. You looked over at him, he had a huge grin on his face and if it were lighter in here you bet you could see him be as red as you. You smiled too as his thumb began to rub circles on your hand.

You leaned onto his shoulder, finally enjoying the movie. You felt him shift and move his head to where it was resting on yours. You were so glad you decided to be bold and finally make a move. Cause now you got to cuddle with him the whole time and not be nervous at all.

Dances in the Rain//Ranboo x Reader Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now